Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Changing Meaning of The Taming of The Shrew Essay

The Changing Meaning of The Taming of The Shrew Through the ages, it is common for words to change in meaning. As the world around us changes, words often take on new meanings to accommodate the changes in lifestyle and society caused by progress. Thus, it is easy to become confused when reading literature that was written several centuries before, since the very same words may hold varying significance. In The Taming of the Scold, D.E. Underdown offers background information which makes Shakespeares The Taming of The Shrew much more understandable in terms of the discordant ideas on women in society in different time periods. The Taming of the Shrew has a much different effect on contemporary readers than it may have had†¦show more content†¦In Petruccios version of a cucking-stool, he intended to put Kate through much difficulty so that he could make her see the error of her ways, as well as gain control of her. In The Taming of a Scold, Underdown states that female independence is sometimes portrayed sympathetically (p.117). At the time it was written, Kates obstinence may have been humorous, but most women would not be able to relate with her behavior from their personal experience; yet they would be able to understand her ultimate acquiescence to Petruccio. However, in contemporary times, it is expected that women stand up for themselves and shirk any means of domination. In this way, they can relate to Kates early behavior of opposition but can not understand her later submitting to Petruccios efforts to control her. Depending on the era, women can sympathize with different aspects of Kates behavior, but much of it must be considered in the respective social context before all of her behavior may be fully understood as it was written. Underdown helps to place Kates conduct in relation to her time so that modern readers may more thoroughly understand it. Underdowns discussion of the crisis in gender relations not only heightened my awareness of the significance in Kates conduct, but also gave me new insight as to why Shakespeare may have written the play. Through Underdowns argument I was able to determine that The Taming of the Shrew was not written solely forShow MoreRelatedTaming Of The Shrew And 10 Thing I Hate About You1063 Words   |  5 Pagesin â€Å"Taming of the Shrew† and â€Å"10 Thing I Hate About You† because in both of the films, the main male characters Patrick and Petruchio are predominantly motivated by money. However, they ended up falling for Kat and Katharina who have been set up as the archetypal shrews in both films. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Evolution of the Mobile Phone - 718 Words

The beginning of the era of mobile technology started forty years ago with the first call from a cell phone. Martin Cooper, vice president of Motorola, walked out of a Manhattan building and made the first cellular network call from a DynaTAC phone. The first call was made to Bell Labs, Motorola’s largest competitor in the mobile marketing business. (Cheng, 2013) Cooper’s phone call started a trend in which technology constantly evolves. From the Motorola DynaTAC to the iPhone 5S, the mobile phone has evolved since the large, bulky device made in 1973. The very first cell phone was released to the public in 1977, and two thousand people were given free trials of the new technology. These cell phones did not have the capability to text or play apps. These devices were simply made for calling. (History of Cell Phones, 2011) The phones were approximately four times the size of the current iPhone, yet lacked almost all the features today’s cell phones boast. Cell pho nes were in high demand with only one company currently making the devices. By 1988, there were fifty-four different places in the United States where cell phones were able to be purchased. (History of Cell Phones, 2011) Entering into the ninety’s, cell phones obtained new features. In 1992, the first commercial text message was sent form a cell phone. The message contained one phrase, â€Å"LOL.† Two years later, Tetris was made available to play on cell phones, becoming the first game to ever be played on a phone.Show MoreRelatedEvolution of Mobile Phone Technology3067 Words   |  13 PagesEvolution of Mobile Phone Technology Mobile phone A mobile phone (also known as a cellular phone, cell phone and a hand phone) is a device that can make and receive telephone calls while moving around a wide geographic area. It does so by connecting to a cellular network provided by a mobile phone operator, allowing access to the public telephone network. By contrast, a cordless telephone is used only within the short range of a single, private base station. In addition to telephony, modernRead MoreMobile Phones : The Evolution Of An Industry2082 Words   |  9 PagesFrom PDAs to Smart Phones: The Evolution of an Industry In the twenty first century the world has advance so much by technology you can hardly recognize the world from ten years ago. Realistically it is hard to recognize technology from as much as two years ago because technology is evolving so quickly. It is hard for the most technological savvy individual to keep up with the next technological innovation that is about to hit the market because it is evolving that fast. Technology is evolving atRead MoreHow the Evolution of Mobile Phone Affect People Communicate1749 Words   |  7 Pagesthe evolution of mobile phone change the way people communicate? Previously, people used to communicate with some of the earliest forms of communication devices included smoke signal, morse code, and pigeons. With all these communication devices, messages probably need weeks or months to reaching its destination. With the invention of mobile phone, all you have to do these days is send a text or make a call and your message will reach its destination within minutes. THE EVOLUTION OF MOBILE PHONERead MoreFor The Last Couple Of Decades, The Evolution Of Cell Phones1389 Words   |  6 Pageslast couple of decades, the evolution of cell phones has happened fast, and it has happened right before our eyes. The memories about having a house phone with a cord on a table or attached to the wall are still on my mind. Nowadays, however, a person needs only one device to do different things at the same time, when in the past one needed three different devices to be able to do their things, and it was time-consuming. Not everybody has adapted to the new era of cell phones. There are still peopleRead MoreSocial Construction of Technology: Cell Phone Development1289 Words   |  6 PagesSCOT principles to explore the development of cell phone, define the development of cell phone into three different stages historically, and analyze the interpretative flexibility of the cell phone accordingly in the three different stages. Based on SCOT theory, this paper will discuss how the original huge cell phones are shaped and developed by social influences to the smartphones in today’s life. In 1983, Motorola released its first cell phone, known as the Motorola DynaTAC 8000X, which offeredRead MoreMobile Network : A Main Way Of Communication1482 Words   |  6 Pages Table of Contents I. Introduction Mobile networks are considered as a main way of communication between the people in the entire world. The core network ensures that mobile users can exchange information, share data and communicate more effectively with those using other access networks or external networks. II. Concept A mobile phone network is made up of a large number of signal areas called cells which join or overlap each other to form a large coverage area. Users on the network can crossRead MoreThe Digital Possession Of Human Since The 19th Century1154 Words   |  5 Pagescreates different meaning, which had its power to influence the society. 3. This essay will aim to identify and compare two publication technologies, which is the 18th century photography publishing technology, Daguerreotype, and generally used mobile camera phone in 21st century. 4. According to Kress and van Leeuwen (1990:23), â€Å"Viewing an image entails first and foremost, before anything else has happened, being located in a particular social way by and in relation to the image†. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Having A Gun Essay Example For Students

Having A Gun Essay Having A Gun Very often in life I would find myself strongly disagreeing and upholdingthe totally opposite point of view about the actions and behavior of those,whose deeds seemed to me rather disadvantageous and harmful to the entirecommunity or society. These kind of actions were mostly coming from governmentauthorities, and quite obviously, there was not much that could have been donein order to refute or override them. Therefore, not only once, the idea ofhaving adequate power and authority to ban these kind of pernicious practices,would appeal to me. For the purpose of decreasing the crime rate, that was the top concern ofthe Ukrainian citizen, in 1994, some misguided politicians in government adoptedthe legislation repealing the previous amendment and thus, abolishing theconstitutional right to own the handguns. Banning the sale of firearms seems tome a most malicious and reckless deed, that instead of safeguarding andprotecting, endangers more the entire society. The Government justified this act by saying that it would protect theinnocent citizens. But it failed to even entertain the notion that the enactmentof this law would come to protect the right of those who violate the rights ofothers. It has never occurred to authorities that vicious criminals, in spite ofthis legislation, will still manage somehow to get the firearms. Innocent people, however, will suffer, because they will be less likelyto obtain handguns in order to protect themselves and their families. Therefore,it would not be hard to imagine the carnage of the citizens, should there not beany guns in their homes. The criminals would walk in at any time they desired,they would take whatever they wanted, rape whom they wanted, and shoot whoeverwould resist. The Government defended the enactment of this law by declaring thatpeople could not be secure as long as there would be handguns around; they couldnot be secure when three million people in the country had shotguns stuck in theglove compartment of their cars, bedside drawers, pockets and kitchen cabinets. But could they be secure if some criminal would try to take away somebodys carunder the threat, rob and rape somebody in the street or try to burglarizesomebodys home, knowing that they would not have any guns to protectthemselves? The prompt and correct answer is NO. The government was established to insure that none of our rights wouldbe violated or taken away. It seems to me that the government, by infringing theright of people to keep and bear arms, has failed to provide its citizens withprivilege of safety in their homes or the right to be able to walk freely incities and towns. If I had enough authority and power to change the laws, Iwould definitely attract and repeal this legislation, that seems to be ratherdangerous than protective. By doing so, I would bring safety, security andfreedom to the entire society, because my point is that criminals would obtainthe shotgun anyway, so why should not normal people have a chance to protectthemselves by having a little insurance under their bed in the form of a gun.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Atsipalaidavimui po nuobodzios dienos Essay Example For Students

Atsipalaidavimui po nuobodzios dienos Essay Frosia tyliai izenge I pirti Ir is netiketumo sustojo ponas gulejo ant suolo kniupscias, o dvi mergos Natasa Ir Milasa , taipogi nuogos, stovedamos is abieju sonu paeiliui inirtingai caize berzinems vantomis iraudusi Ir zvilganti nuo prakaito galinga pono nugara. Ponas is malonumo mirkciojo Ir raukesi, pagiriamai kriuksedamasuz ypatingai stipru smugi. Pagaliau Jemaah Islamiyah liepe mergoms nustoti ir sunkiai alsuodamas atsisedo, nuleisdamas placiai isskestas kojas ant grindu. Giro! dusliai isake Jemaah Islamiyah. Vikriai smurkstelejusi I kampa, Natasa padave jam kausa giros. Numalsines troskuli ponas pastebejo tyliai prie duru stovincia Frosia Ir pirstu pakviete ja prieiti. Basomis letai zengdama slidziomis pirties grindimis, droviai dengdama savo nuoguma rankomis, jinai prisiartino Ir, nudelbusi is gedos akis, atsistojo priesais pona. Jai pasidare baisiai geda ziureti I nuoga pona, geda stai taip nuogai stoveti priesais Jemaah Islamiyah. Jai buvo geda del to, kad be jokio sumisimo seselio ja apziurineja salia stovincios dvi mergos, kurioms visiskai negeda savo nuogumo. Naujoke! riktelejo ponas, Koks vardas? greitakalbe mete ponas, ciupinedamas jos pilva, kojas, sedmenis.. . Frosia, tyliai istare Jemaah Islamiyah Ir staiga riktelejo is netiketumo Ir skausmo ponas stipriai spustelejo jos kaire kruti. Megaudamasis jos gyvu stangrumu, Jemaah Islamiyah vedziojo ranka aukstyn zemyn, pirstais liesdamas issiputusi tarp pirstu kruties pavirsiu, aptempta svelnia, lyg silkas oda. Trindama suskaudusia kruti, Frosia atsoko atgal. Ponas garsiai nusijuoke ir pagrasino jai pirstu. Isiteikdamos jam, pradejo kikenti ir abi mergos. Nieko, nieko, iprasi, kikendama pasake Natasa, dar ne Thai coach, boundary line geidulinga zvilgsni I pona. Tas Gb, patenkintai kikendamas, nuleido sau tarp koju ranka, kasydamas visas savo vyriskumo priedermes, atrodancias gana ispudingai. Jusu, mergiotes, uzdavinys, pratare Jemaah Islamiyah, mosikuodamas sustangrejusios varpos galvute, O kol Ka Taegu pasiziuri Ir proto igauna Na Gb, Milasa, poza! staiga riktelejo ponas Ir pasitempe savo masyviu kunu. Milasa isejo I pirties viduri, laisva nuo suolu Ir pasilenkusi atsireme delnais I grindis. Ponas prisiartino is uzpakalio, garsiai papliauksejo per slapius sedmenis Ir erziliskai pradejo stumti styrancia, lyg kuolas varpa po stangriais Milasos sedmenimis, greitai stumdamas varpos galvute I slidu jos lyties organo minkstima. Nuo apemusio susijaudinimo, jo veidas prisipilde krauju, burna persikreipe, kvepavimas pasidare nelygus Ir trukciojantis, o pusiau sulenktos per kelius kojos drebejo. Pagaliau varpos galvute praskleide isburkusias maksties lupas ir pono pilvas prigludo prie masyviu Milasos sedmenu. Ponas vel spustelejo, dabar jau inirtingai judindamas liemens apacia, su pasitenkinimu atsiduodamas lytiniam aktui. Milasa taip rap pilnai atsidave aistrai. Ji saldziai dejavo kiekviena karta, kai varpa panirdavo I ja Ir tuo rap metu padejo ponui, judindama savo ispudingus sedmenis ir pasitikdama varpa. Natasa stebejo si gyva paveiksla pilnai apimta veiksmo. Frosia, is pradziu suglumusi, palaipsniui eme realiai vertinti aplinka Ir ja labai supykde nuogu pono Ir Milasos kunu veiksmai. Ji zinojo, kas Thai yra, wager taip arti, taip betarpiskai Ir atvirai lytini akta tarp vyro Ir moters stebejo pirma karta. Kai ponas prisiglaude prie Milasos, Frosia suglumusi nusigreze, wager smalsumas nugalejo Ir Jemaah Islamiyah, pamaciusi, kad I ja niekas nekreipia demesio, eme stebeti vykstanti akta. Dar ne karto nepatyrusi vyro glamoniu, is pradziu Jemaah Islamiyah buvo gana abejinga, wager veliau pajuto kazkoki saldu mauduli Ir karsto kraujo sroves issiliejo Po visa jos kuna. Visiems dalyvaujantiems sustojo laikas Ir aplinka visu demesi prikauste tik vykstantis aktas, uzpildantis Ir mintis Ir jausmus. Staiga pona apeme konvulsiski traukuliai, jo akys uzsiverte Ir is jo krutines issiverze sunkus atodusis. Viskas.. . sunkiai atsiduso ponas Ir, pavargusiu zingsniu nuejes prie suolo, ant jo atsisedo. Milasa atsitiese, saldziai pasitempe Ir atsisedo ant kito suolo. Natasa, degtines! isake ponas. Ta, smurkstelejusi I priepirti, ant padeklo atnese buteli degtines ir inda su agurkais. Ponas isipyle sau, vienu mauku isgere ir eme triauskinti agurka.. Po to pripyle stikline vel Ir pirstu pasikviete Milasa. Ta prisiartino Ir taip rap vienu mauku ja istustino. Po to tokia glib porcija Natasa. Eiks Central Intelligence Agency! isake ponas Frosiai, pildamas stikline degtines. Frosia paeme degtine Ir pabandziusi nuryti pirma gurksni, uzsikosejo Ir beveik viska praliejo. Hamlet: Essay On Act I Frosia eme atsargiai ja plauti. Drasiau, drasiau! drasino ja ponas, placiai isskesdamas kojas. Frosia padejo I sali muila Ir abiem rankom eme Po vandens srove plauti muilo putas. Pono varpa slidinejo Ir blaskesi, tarsi gyva, o jos odele lengvai judejo Po jau vel tvirtejanti kuna. Kai vanduo pasibaige Ir varpa igavo savo naturalia isvaizda, ponas atitrauke odele, dengiancia rozine varpos galvute, ir vel pritraukes Frosios galva, isake: Pabuciuok, ir kuo stipriau! ir prispaude jos lupas prie stangrios varpos galvutes. Frosia pakstelejo lupomis, o ponas pakartojo si judesi keleta kartu. O dabar, ciulpk! sukomandavo ponas, vel prisitraukdamas Frosios veida prie savo pilvo. Kaip ciulpk ? , pasimetusi ir nesuprasdama suvapejo Frosia, isgastingai zvelgdama ponui I akis. Natasa, parodyk, stumtelejo peciu Natasa. Si pasilenke Ir, atstumusi Frosios galva, placiai issiziojusi isidejo pono varpos galvute I burna. Suspaudusi varpa lupomis atliko keleta ryjamu judesiu. Frosia neryztingai paeme varpa Ir, atvira burna apziojusi jos galvute Ir kakleli, pradejo ciulpti, lyg stora sardele. Galvute buvo svelni Ir stangri, o Frosios zandai Ir lupos jaute sutvirtejusi lyg kaulas varpos kuna. Jaute, kad jis gyvas Ir virpantis. Keistas dalykas, Frosia vel pajuto susijaudinima ir eme vis intensyviau laizyti Ir judinti, ciulpti Si nesuvokiamai jaudinanti gyva daikta. Pakaks! tare ponas, nenoredamas prieiti iki seklos issiverzimo Ir atstume Frosios galva. Dabar atliksime Frosios zvalgytuves, tare ponas Ir pakilo nuo suolo. Natasa, rodyk preke! Natasa paeme Frosia uz parankes ir, apsukusi rata, pastate priesais pona Stai crowbars jus uzpakaliukas, kas palies tas coach laimingas, pusiau dainuodama uztrauke Natasa, apsukdama Frosia priesais pona. Sis ciupinejo Frosios krutis, slaunis, pilva, sedmenis. Oxygen Po juo puiki audine! rode Natasa isvardintas kuno vietas. Ponas nuleido Frosios pilvu ranka zemyn Ir islinko pirstais jai tarp koju. Taip, audine Central Intelligence Agency puiki, paziuret kaip nors i ja, pritardamas uztrauke Jemaah Islamiyah, pirstais ciupinedamas Ir glostydamas merginos lyties organa. Frosiai, tik Ka isgyvenusiai lytini susijaudinima, sie prisilietimai buvo malonus Ir kutenantys. Jinai nejucia prieme sias glamones ir net praskete kojas. Taciau ponas susitvarde, mostu parodydamas suola. Natasa nuvede Frosia prie suolo Ir priverte ja atsigulti, sakydama: Mielai prasom preke apziureti, jokiu kliuciu tam nera. Natasa ir Milasa sustojo Frosiai is sonu, paeme ja uz koju Ir uzdainavo: Stai zveriukas, stai puikuolis, kas pagaus Tas ir saunuolis! Jos abi kartu pakele Frosios kojas Ir placiai jas isskete I salis. Crowbars akis atsivere vaizdas, visada slepiamas nuo svetimu akiu, o ypac nuo vyrisku. Frosia dar bande viena ranka prisidengti savo slapciausia vieta, o kita ranka akis, bandydama islaisvinti savo kojas, wager mergos stipriai jas laike Ir jai teko atsisakyti savo bandymo. Ko gero, ir Thai buvo numatyta rituale, Nes ponas, atstumdamas nuo apacios besipriesinancia merginos ranka, uztrauke: Tu neslepki savo grozio, as paduosiu jam drauguzi. Natasa su Milasa patrauke Frosios liemeni isilgai suolo, pritraukdamos jos dubeni prie suolo galo, kur stovejo ponas. Sis atsiklaupe emmet keliu Ir jo drauguzis atsidure viename lygyje su merginos makstimi. Sodium, drauguzi, na saunuoli, kisk galiuka siai grazuolei, uzdainavo mergos, o Jemaah Islamiyah neskubedamas praskleide didziasias lytines lupas ir eme vedzioti varpos galvute Po visas vietas, iki siol taip neglamonetas net svajonese. Ir Frosiai jau nebebuvo geda savo nuogumo. Atsirado vienas galingas geismas tureti vyro varpa savyje. Ji pradejo kilnoti pilvo apacia, dubeni, bandydama sugauti varpos galvute Ir numalsinti Ta nesuvokiama, nenugalima geisma. Del atsiradusio susijaudinimo jos lytines lupos isbrinko Ir sudreko. Pagaliau ir raps ponas nebeislaike savo saldziosios kankynes ir ivede varpos galvute I maksties prieangi, o Po to stipriai istume I smarkiai isitempusia mergaitiska gelme. Astrus, akimirksninis skausmas nusmelke merginos kuna, privertes ja nevalingai surikti, wager tuojau rap nepaaiskinamas, neapsakomas malonumas issiliejo jos kunu Ir Jemaah Islamiyah prarado realybes ir laiko jausma.. . A. Tolstojus