Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Advanced Project management -Master Level scenario based report Essay

Advanced Project management -Master Level scenario based report - Essay Example According to Kanter (1995) such an action will not constitute an adequate response. This is so because success is based on an organisation’s ability to create, rather than predict the future by developing those products that will literally transform the way the world thinks and view it self and the needs (Kanter 1995:71). Within the context of today’s global competition, businesses and firms no-longer compete as individual companies but try to corporate with other businesses in their activities (Wu & Chien 2007:2). These researchers went further to argue that, this strategy has become quite common in many businesses and in project management it is becoming a best practice. The conventional vertical integrated company based business model is gradually being replaced by collaborative relationship between many fragmented, but complementary and specialized value stars and constellation (Wu & Chien:1). Having said these, this report focuses on some of the pertinent issues affecting a project organization. The report first of all examine the changing environment of the contemporary organization, there after attention is shifted to the evaluation of the current management structure being used by my organization. The third part of the report focuses on the current project management processes in an organization to see if they are effective or there exist certain deficiencies. The last part of the report present recommendation in the form of a conclusion. In business, environmental analysis is an appreciation of an organisations activities vis-Ã  -vis its environment (Lin& Lee 2006). Such analysis has become imperatively necessary in the light of increase competition as present, subsequent operations and strategies direction will be dependent on the result (Lin& Lee 2006). According to Johnson et al (2007), it is a process by which a business gathers

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