Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Identify & reviewing the company's investor relations information Essay

Identify & reviewing the company's investor relations information - Essay Example In sum, net profit declined by 3.13%. This can be attributed to a significant increase in operating expense from $46.875 in 2010 to $47.373 in 2011 while increase in sales was only moderate from $49.243 in 2010 to $49.747 in 2011. The profitability ratio of the company is not that very good. Return on assets (Net income/average total assets, 1,427.00/17,849.00) is only 7.9 %. It meant that the company use a lot of resources to yield returns. Return on equity ratio(net income/average stockholders’ equity, 1,427.00/6,602) or Equity per share (EPS) however is moderately positive with 21.6 % return to investors. But while the company is giving modest returns, its stability in terms of debt to equity (total liability/total stockholder’s equity) ratio is very disturbing. Its debt is more than 270.35% (17,849/6,602) than its equity which means that the company is heavily indebted. This is being supported by its liquidity ratio which has current ratio (Current asset/current lia bility) of .47 which means that Best Buy cannot settle its obligations right away and has to source out more than half of its obligations. The shortcoming of Best Buy is however recognized by the company and vowed to address them. In its press release, it enumerated as one of its action plans to improve business performance is its reduction in its operating cost which caused the the company’s lesser profitability. It vowed to reduced cost by $800 million dollars and along with this is the closure of 50 big box stores in 2013 to be replaced by 100 Best Buy Mobile small format stand-alone stores in fiscal 2013 (Epstein, 2012). It also plans to grow its online presence revenue by 15% recognizing the growing profitability in ecommerce. If I am an investor, I will not put my money in Best Buy because I am worried with the company’s long-term stability. It just owes a lot

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