Saturday, March 14, 2020

Adolf Hitler2 essays

Adolf Hitler2 essays For the past week I have been researching three men, Joseph Stalin, Mao, and Adolf Hitler for an answer to a question; who is the most evil? Which, means that I had to think about what exactly was evil for me. Now the dictionary they have a simple definition for it, which is: morally reprehensible, sinful, wicked. But there could be so many different meanings, because there are many different people in the world. So, these three men were judged on my definition of evil. Evil to me is someone who consciously knows what there doing but still doesnt care, someone who purposely tries to cause destruction on other people, one who possibly thinks that they are somewhat of a messiah, and someone who manipulates people, especially children, into thinking that what they believe is what they are suppose to believe in a fight for. And after many articles, papers, direct quotes, and book scanning, I have come up with my answer. After getting into his mind, reading his thoughts, and listen ing to his speeches, I have to say Adolf Hitler. Killing people in it is evil but his manipulation, power, and demented thoughts, he acted on, terrified me. This man appalls me. Everything he represents and started repulses me. When I look at pictures of him I know in my heart that what I am looking at is pure evil, and thats why I know it is him that I am going to write about. Adolf Hitler was born at 6:30 p.m. on the evening of April 20, 1889; he was born in the small Austrian village of Braunau Am Inn just across the border from German Bavaria. His father was Alois Hiedler, who earlier changed his name to Hitler, and was a retired from the Austrian civil service by the time Adolf was 6. Alois was used to giving orders and having the obeyed and also expected this from his children. Adolfs older brother was badly beaten by their father and by thirteen ran away, leaving Adolf to get the physical and mental abuse at the age of only...

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