Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Parental Influences in Heathcliff, Cathy and Linton Essay...

Emily Brontà «, in her novel, Wuthering Heights, suggests that children, in their very nature, exhibit traits from their parental influences. However, these traits are not always represented at the same time and can come out in different situations. For instance, as Cathy Linton grows up, her personality is a mixture of her calmer father, Edgar, and her more fiery mother, Catherine. She shows both these personalities, but she limits each to the correct time and circumstance. Also, the same goes for Linton Heathcliff, who has become a mixture of both his mother, Isabella, and his father, Heathcliff. Lastly, this is shown in Hareton Earnshaw, who, because he has little to no relationship with his biological parents, has turned into a man more†¦show more content†¦Although she never knew her mother, Cathy shows traits from both her parents. From Catherine, she gains a more fiery spirit, strength, and the ability to control. From Edgar, she gains a weaker, calmer, and more acce ptable conduct in society. Cathy becomes the mixture of this unlikely pair. On one hand, she is calm and weak, and on the other hand, she is excitable and strong. Her personality depends on the situation and circumstance. However, these traits do not mix. She cannot be both strong and weak at the same time; she cannot be both hot and cold at the same time. An instance of her demonstrating more Earnshaw-like characteristics is when she talks back to Heathcliff. She tells him that no one will ever love him, and he is unlovable. In her strength to yell at the much physically stronger Heathcliff and offend him, she shows him her own strength and power. This strength comes from the legacy of her mother, Catherine. Also, Cathy shows physical strength and power when she pushes Linton’s chair down when they are in a fight. â€Å"Cathy, beside herself, gave the chair a violent push, and caused him to fall against one arm† (239). This shows her power over other people in the nov el as Catherine did when she was a child. Cathy’s Linton behavior is more present in her everyday actions. She is more refined and sophisticated, which is a characteristic of the Lintons. Because of these two sidesShow MoreRelatedPsychological Development in Wuthering Heights1497 Words   |  6 PagesPsychological Development in Wuthering Heights Growing up, children encounter many things that shape their psychological development. Parents constitute the most prominent of these influences. But whether the development results from direct parental stimuli or indirect heredity is dubious, however some correlation definitely exists. While some children respond to their parents by mimicking them, others respond by retaliating and acting opposite as they were raised. In the latter case, the retaliationRead MoreImportance of Affirmation: Perceived Value Effect1680 Words   |  7 Pagesgood behavior, bad behavior, and relationships† (42). These four areas directly build or destroy an individual’s self-esteem. The constant ranking of an individual that comes with daily competition influences his life through social, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects, which in turn, influence his output behaviors. Studies show that the damage to psyche begins in childhood (Cimini 13). Children innately yearn for affirmat ion. If a parent does not support and value his child, the child

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