Monday, August 19, 2019

Essay --

While raining, your child walks six blocks to the bus stop with no shelter. When the bus finally arrives, it is in need of thirty minutes to get to school. Eventhough, there is a school a couple blocks down from their house, it is not even a thought in the eyes of the law due to the mere color of their skin. This is not just the story of Oliver Brown and his family, but many other families experiencing discrimination throughout the world. Brown was ready for a change, so he and the NAACP gathered evidence to take on the courts. Through the process of many getting denied the acceptance of their children in school, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People gathered evidence for a lawsuit against the courts. Oliver Brown and many others were tired of the saying seperate but equal and the inferiority they were given through out their lives. Instead of just accepting the opinions of others and sitting around wanting a change, they stood for what they believed in, beco ming the turning point in America. Judith Conaway was the author of the book Brown vs. Board of Education. In this book, Conaway describes in detail, the discrimination and experiences our ancestors had to go through. Through the triumphs they experienced, laws changed where segregation was abolished and everyone is equal. She says that the "supreme court had ruled that racial segregation in public schools denied African Americans equal protection under the law." She also said that the courts agreed that seperate schools harmed black children both academically and psychologically. For example, African American children would choose white dolls over black dolls because the black dolls were considered ugly with their heads down. This decision of the c... ...aiting for. We are the change that we seek. All in all, just like Oliver Brown and the NAACP , do not live life waiting for things to happen, take control of today and be the future of yet to come. If you live life in fear and accept what is handed to you, you can never succeed. The decision of Brown vs. Board of Education did not just effect our ancestors, if effected us today and future generations. It accomplished more than the abolishment of segregation in school, it abolished segregation laws throughout the world. I am able to go to school everyday knowing I am not being discriminated against because the color of my skin. Not only that, I am able to go to a restaurant, movie theater, and even a water fountain without a sign saying white or black people only. In my oppinion they constituted the future for my education, all those before me, and those to follow.

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