Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Saving Money at the Grocery Store Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Saving Money at the Grocery Store - Essay Example Grocery stores have many tricks and traps to make people buy expensive items or increasing the level of their purchases by tempting them. It is very important for people to be able to save money at the grocery store because food items are what tend to cause a great deal of financial loss at the end of each month. This paper aims to discuss the various ways in which a person can save money at a grocery store, as well as the best saves and stores in the east and west coast. Each and every grocery store is designed in a very fashionable manner; this means that the food items are placed very strategically, making it difficult for people not to get tempted by them. For example, the fruit and vegetables that cost the least amount of money would be placed towards the back whereas dinner kits and expensive and exotic food items from other countries would be on display, tempting people into loading them into their shopping carts. Most grocery stores are laden with such traps which people find difficult to decipher and escape from and thus people need to be focused on the food items that they want to purchase. For this, a list must be prepared and adhered to; if a person is able to diligently purchase everything on his list and nothing more, then he will be able to save on a lot more money than expected. ... It is pertinent to understand the location of each and every required item in a grocery store; most people are not aware of where the items lie and thus tend to walk around aisles and shelves picking out whatever they see instead of going towards the back sections where the actual frozen fruits and vegetables lay. The fresh foods always tend to lie towards the back of any grocery store and it is always helpful to have someone assisting in order to make the correct purchases. People should visit a single grocery store and get acquainted to it rather than go to different stores and find different food items. This helps in not only knowing exactly where what lies, but also in helping them resist from making exorbitant purchases because people tend to overlook the fancy items once they begin seeing the same things again and again in the same section. Furthermore, if a person needs to save on some more money, fruits, vegetables and other durable and fresh food items should be bought from local markets and not from grocery stores because the stores tend to charge more in order to cover their overheads. Visiting a grocery store means looking at a lot of food; not only fresh foods but also readymade meals, deserts, cooked items etc. All of this tends to make people hungry and that is why they end up buying more; many researchers state that when people go hungry to grocery stores or supermarkets, they feel like eating more food because of all the food that is around them and available in well packaged containers. Many people might even get hungry while shopping and thus buy items on the spot in order to eat and that is why, in order to save some

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