Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Small Business Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Small Business Management - Case Study Example During their initial stages, the economic conditions were not very supportive for a start up, as the economy was going through a recessionary period; thus, they could only manage to start off with $25,000 but within first six months, they were able to launch their first anti-virus program. This was a major success and also due to this, they could get funding from 'Korea Technology Credit Guarantee Fund' for the amount of $33,500 and this had become their seed money. The anti virus market in Korea grew from 4 billion in 1998, to 26 billion in 2002, and the firm grew with it. Of late, the firm has broaden its product line by adding in data recovery with announcement of 'DataMedic Solution'. Problems and challenges are a part of routine business activities but analyzing them is the only source that leads to an appropriate solution with long term viability. This section utilizes some tools and techniques for analyzing the problems, so that appropriate solutions can be proposed: SWOT is one of the widely used tools for analyzing the internal (strengths and weaknesses) and external (opportunities and threats) factors prevailing in the industry under consideration. Thus, SWOT is very helpful in determining the environmental situation, matching the internal and external variables. Following is the SWOT analysis of the firm based on the learning from various sources: 1. Strengths The firm has great potential in terms of the research and development skills The initiators and the owners are five professional programmers Since the owners are directly involved in the work, it gives the firm a cutting edge over the competitors The learning curve is a quicker one since the ownership belongs to professionals rather than the businessmen Most of the anti-viruses developed are primarily windows based, and windows being a widely used operating system is definitely an advantage Financial stability is another important strength for the firm 2. Weaknesses One of the major weaknesses of the firm is its weak brand image; since it lacks professional marketers, it hasn't been able to develop its image as such The firm has a fairly narrow and focused product line, and customers prefer one window solution for all problems The recently done diversification was also unrelated (data recovery solutions) It can be seen that there is lack of vision about where the firm wants to be in the next five or ten years 3. Opportunities The growing market of anti viruses is a big time opportunity for the firm Reduced customer loyalty is also an opportunity because with customers switching all the time, the firm can easily hunt for the share of the pie of other anti virus software makers 4. Threats Reduced customer loyalty is a threat in itself as well as customers are not loyal to any single firm Increasing competition is another major influence particularly with competition coming from foreign products The life cycle of these products has reduced drastically and needs regular updates and newer versions The market is rapidly moving towards maturity which means that firms need to be innovative and proactive in terms of launching the latest

Monday, October 28, 2019

Californian Wine Clusters Essay Example for Free

Californian Wine Clusters Essay Identify the players in the Californian wine cluster, who are they? Main players are growers, vineyard owners, wineries and automated processing facilities. Moreover, there are many supporting players such as bottle, cork and barrel producers, CAGR, Research and Education Institutions which are addicted to improve wine production and services, Distribution Channels to business and direct customers, Bank for financing, Tourism Clusters for presenting, Government, wine magazines, restaurants and bars, food cluster, U.C Davis, producers of equipment which are used in production of wines and grapes. As types of those equipment, fertilizers, labeling machines, trucks, scissors, etc. can be listed. Government role is important, because taxation, production regulations, supports for exporting and production quotas all are in hand of government. What are the reasons behind the Californian wine cluster success? Two key factors in success of Californian wine cluster are price and taste. Those two are decision making factors for consumer. Firstly their price is cheap, because Californian wineries’ yield amount is high, tax amount for a bottle is low, production efficiency in the mean area is high, labor cost is low, there is no production quota by government and they are using automated systems for wine production which is more efficient. Those are the reasons that present low price opportunities. Taste comes with wisdom of years in production. Research facilities, wine production and gourmet schools, good quality grapes, fine barreling materials and supporting spices in wine make Californian wines’ taste better and better in years. As support elements, Californian Food and Tourism clusters are helping wine cluster as brothers and sisters. Food cluster has many different kind of best chefs and restaurants which serve very best of dishes with wines which mixture of taste calls for new customers. Tourism cluster brings new possible customers to food cluster and wine cluster. Wine tasting tours and winery tours are big chances for presenting Californian wines to the rest of the world. Beyond all of those, California is in one of the strongest countries and  government, trade unions, institutions, powerful people give support to wine clusters in presenting, producing and transporting. Other big competitors as Italy and France are stricken about regulations and taxation which bring Californian wine’s success. How is the situation regarding the wine industry in France, Italy, Australia, Chile? In competition, Italy, France, Australia and Chile are main actors against California, and old big players are France and Italy. In exporting, France takes the lead and Italy takes the second row. They are the closest ones to EU consumers which are main consumers and they are old player. Over passing decades, Australian and Californian wines have kept the quality up and caught France and Italy. As a result, especially French and also Italian wine price levels remained high besides of California and Australia. Also, French government put regulations for production amount and taxation. Australia is a very fast growing wine producer and their price level and quality is very fine. Besides, many farmlands turned into vineyards and consumption level is demanding day by day. Also government supports export and regulates wine sided. Furthermore, they are very close to Asia which is a growing business in wine sector. Chile has a lower consumption and production according to Australia and California, but their price level is low and taxation and regulations are helpful in terms of improving production and growing wine business. Their wines are carton packed and acidic, and also those give the opportunity of cheap wines. If you were the governor of California, what would you do about the wine cluster? Regarding wine clusters, firstly I probably offer some marketers to market premium products with better price, and create better brands. I would try to open gourmet, chef and wine expert schools, also more research institutions for not also wine production but also their materials and grape species. I push tourism sector to create especially wine tasting and winery visit tours. Moreover, placing wine and best brands into Californian advertisement  campaigns. Reason behind all of those, Californian wine needs presentation, awareness and marketing, moreover good labeling and better brand image in minds. So, to create all class of brands from premium down to simple versions, they need premium marketing advises and campaigns.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Spiritual Insights in Daniel Defoes Robinson Crusoe :: Robinson Crusoe Essays

Crusoe’s Spiritual Insights Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe is considered to be the first novel of incident. Before I read the novel I knew something about poor Robinson Crusoe--shipwrecked on a desert island, lived on the island for a lot of years, and acquired a friend by the name of Friday. As I began to read, I had the preconceived notion that Robinson Crusoe was just an adventure book. However, I read no more than a few pages before my mind was greatly enlightened. Robinson Crusoe does not suffer just one shipwreck, but two of them. He is captured by Moorish pirates, escapes, and goes to Brazil to become a planter. After his second shipwreck, Crusoe gives details about his techniques for survival. Also, the ending of the novel is quite surprising with a setting that is quite a contrast to the desert island. Arguably, one of the funniest scenes in all of literature is recorded in the final chapters. If the book is not holding the reader's attention because of the suspense, then it is held by the profound spiritual insight that Defoe includes within the pages of his work. This was the biggest surprise to me of all. For example, in chapter 12, Robinson Crusoe states: "From this moment I began to conclude in my mind that it is possible for me to be more happy in this forsaken solitary condition, that it was probable I should ever have been in any other particular state in the world, and with this thought I was going to give thanks to God for bringing me to this place." Crusoe was convinced that the reason for all of his calamities was the result of his disobeying the counsel of his father. The theological discussions with Friday are wonderful. Indeed, every Christian can relate to Crusoe's wrestling with faith and fear. I finished the book with the conclusion that this book should be standard reading for every Christian, particularly preachers. Preachers will find a wealth of sermon illustrations in Robinson Crusoe. So, why is Robinson Crusoe so sadly neglected among Christians when it is obvious that the book is a Christian classic? No doubt, abridged versions of the novel removes the incentive for readers to read the actual work. Many people have read a children's version of the novel or worst yet, they "have seen the movie.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Civil engineering (outline) :: essays research papers

Civil Engineer I.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A construction engineer can plan, design, and build any thing from roads, buildings, airports, tunnels, bridges, dams, and water systems all over the world. II.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Job Information A. Pay 1. In Idaho they get paid $17.50 to $41.88 2. Nationally they get paid $19.65 to $44.24 B. Special requirements 1. Bachelor’s degree in civil engineering 2. Engineering license a. 4 years as an engineer in training b. Pass the professional engineer exam C. Employment 1. About 228,000 work as civil engineers in Nationally 2. About 1,180 civil engineers work III. Preparations A. Complete a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering 1. A lot get a master’s degree B. Have strong observational skills C. Be creative IV. Specific Activities A. Plan, design, and build 1. Roads 2. Buildings 3. Airports, 4. Tunnels 5. Bridges 6. Dams 7. Water systems B. Test for strength 1. Soil 2. Materials C. Conduct studies 1. Traffic patterns 2. Environmental conditions V. Work conditions A. Physical 1. Work both indoors and outdoors 2. Exposed to contaminants 3. Exposed to very hot or cold weather 4. Exposed to hazardous equipment A.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hours/ travel 1. Usually work standard 40-hour weeks 2. May work longer to meet deadlines 3. Travel a lot to get to work sites B.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Interpersonal relationships 1. Deal with external costumers or associates 2. Sometimes placed in a conflict situation VI. Common Activities A. Think creatively B. Use computers C. Provide information 1. Devices 2. Equipment 3. Structures D. Estimate 1. Size 2. Time 3. Cost 4. Quantities 5. Materials needed VII. Skills and abilities A. Use math and science 1. Choose a mathematical method 2. Use math skills to solve problems

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Crime Reduction

Mohammed N. M. Sayan ESL 0405 ESL Advanced Writing Date: February 13th, 2013 Dr. J. Parla Palumbo Topic: Crime Reduction Title: What can I do to reduce crime? Thousands of crimes happen all over the world and increase exponentially every year. According to Nations Master’s website, more than twelve million crimes committed in the United states last year. â€Å"Crime statistics. † nationmaster. com. Rapid Intelligence, 2002. Web. 25 February 2013. All of these crimes have happened due to high poverty rates and a poor education system.Although there are more police to govern the streets and strict punishment is being enforced, it is still not enough to reduce crime. I believe there are many ways to reduce crime; however, paying attention to surroundings, self-protection, and taking some common sense precautions are basic ways not to get ? nvolved in crimes. Reducing crime is a job for everyone. The majority of crime is opportunistic. For example, valuables left in view in a car, an open window in an empty house, walking alone on a dark street, carrying large sums of cash, unlocking your car door, or leaving furniture and play things in the yard overnight.Criminals always seek people who do not pay attention to their surroundings. To avoid becoming a victim, people must take charge of their own safety. There are no guarantees against crime prevention except their self-protection which can help reduce the chances of becoming casualty. For instance, In case of armed robber, it is best to hand over your wallet and do not resist because â€Å"criminals do not want to get caught,† says Tony Farrenkopf, Ph. D. , a clinical and Forensic psychologist in private practice in Portland.Dulce Zamora. â€Å"How to protect yourself against crime. † webmd. com. 2006. Web. . 25 February 2013. Danger may be lurking around any corner, and taking some common sense precautions will protect them from potentially dangerous situations. Firstly, people can make it difficult for criminals to victimize them. Every human has an internal alarm which usually alerts them when they are walking into a bad situation. To fine tune their personal alarm, they must take some precautions such as, trusting yourself, be aware of the eighborhood, pay attention to people around the area, understand the effects of alcohol and drugs, and react properly. These are all examples to warn them before they get involve in crime and eventually help reducing crime, too. Criminals are always looking for someone who is vulnerable. Therefore, every citizen has a responsibility to keep their surrounding areas safe by reporting any kinds of suspicious activities to the police. Some people setups a burglar alarm system in their property to protect themselves against burglary or  property damage.Others, training their guard-dogs to alert them against danger. On the other side, government must also provide high security cameras in places where crimes are frequently happen. Taking all into account, people have to take the responsibility in order to have a better life by following some basics rules such as self-protection and precautions. They might be simple but they are effective in decreasing crime. As they say, prevention is better than cure. Works Cited Bustamante, Karina. â€Å"Reducing Crime. † Blogspot. 14 May 2008. Web. 25 February 2013 â€Å"Crime statistics. † nationmaster. com. Rapid Intelligence, 2002. Web. 25 February 2013 . â€Å"Protecting yourself from crime and abuse†. Beechwood Neighborhood Coalition. . Zamora, Dulce. â€Å"How to protect yourself against crime. † webmd. 2006. Web. . 25 February 2013 .

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Summary of To Kill a Mockingbi essays

Summary of To Kill a Mockingbi essays The book To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, is a magnificent story about guilt, fairness, race relations, and about life itself. It is told in the eyes of an already mature six-year old girl named Jean-Louise Finch, Scout for short. In the midst of the story Scout and her older brother Jeremy Finch, also known as Jem, grew more in their maturity by seeing certain events that happened around them. The stories major conflict is self-against-community while at the same time self-against-self. When Scouts father, Atticus, was faced with defending a black man accused of raping Mayella Ewell, a white girl, he new that his family would be ridiculed due to the racial prejudice of the time and place; that being Alabama in the 1930s. Additionally Tom Robinson, the accused, was a friend of Atticus. Atticus was faced not only with defending Tom throughout the trial, but also faced with defending his action to his children, whom he was trying to raise without prejudice. Tom Robinson was ultimately found guilty of rape and sentenced to death by a jury of white farmers. Atticus convincingly showed that, due to an injury to his right arm, he could not have inflicted the bruises on Mayellas face. He was further able to prove that Mayellas father was the rapist. Unfortunately, Tom was killed while trying to escape from a prison camp. Mr. Ewell felt ridiculed in court and swore to take revenge on Atticus. Another self-against-self conflict within the story is Scouts and Jem s dealings with their neighbors, the Radleys. Afraid of the adult son Boo Radley, whom they have never seen, they have been led to believe through stories of other children in town, that Boo is a vicious, horrifying looking monster. They always ran past his house so he wouldnt get them. Yet dared, Jem ran onto Boos porch and slapped the house one-day in attempts to get Boo to come...

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Common Application (Definition, Tips, and More)

The Common Application (Definition, Tips, and More) In the 2017-18 academic year, The Common Application is used for undergraduate admissions by nearly 700 colleges and universities. The Common Application is an electronic college application system that collects a wide range of information: personal data, educational data, standardized test scores, family information, academic honors, extracurricular activities, work experience, a personal essay, and criminal history. Financial aid information needs to be handled on the FAFSA. The Reasoning Behind the Common Application The Common Application had modest beginnings in the 1970s when a few colleges and universities decided to make the application process easier for applicants by allowing them to create one application, photocopy it, and then mail it to multiple schools. As the application process moved online, this basic idea of making the application process easier for students has remained. If you are applying to 10 schools, you will need to type in all of your personal information, test score data, family information, and even your application essay just once.   Other similar single-application options have emerged more recently, such as the Cappex Application and the Universal College Application, although these options are not as widely accepted yet.   The Reality of the Common Application The seeming ease of using one application to apply to multiple schools certainly sounds appealing if you are a college applicant. The reality, however, is that the Common Application isnt, in fact, common for all schools, especially the more selective member institutions. While, the Common Application will save you time entering all that personal information, test score data, and details of your extracurricular involvement, individual schools often want to get school-specific information from you. The Common Application has evolved to allow all member institutions to request supplemental essays and other materials from applicants. In the original ideal of the Common App, applicants would write just a single essay when applying to college. Today, if an applicant were to apply to all eight of the Ivy League schools, that student would need to write over thirty essays in addition to the common one in the main application. Moreover, applicants are now allowed to create more than one Comm on Application, so you can, in fact, send different applications to different schools. Like many businesses, the Common Application had to choose between its ideal of being common and its desire to be a widely used application. To achieve the latter, it had to bend to the whims of potential member colleges and universities, and this meant making the application customizable, an obvious move away from being common. What Types of Colleges Use the Common Application? Originally, only schools that evaluated applications holistically  were allowed to use the Common Application; that is, the original philosophy behind the Common Application was that students should be evaluated as whole individuals, not just as a collection of numerical data such as class rank, standardized test scores, and grades. Every member institution needed to take into consideration non-numerical information derived from things such as letters of recommendation,  an  application essay, and extracurricular activities. If a college based admission solely on GPA and test scores, they could not be a member of the Common Application. Today this is not the case. Here again, as the Common Application continues to try and grow its number of member institutions, it has abandoned those original ideals. More colleges and universities do not have holistic admissions than those that do (for the simple reason that a holistic admission process is much more labor intensive than a data-driven process). So in order to open the door to the majority of institutions in the country, the Common Application now allows schools that do not have holistic admissions to become members. This change quickly resulted in the membership of many public institutions that base admission  decisions largely on numerical criteria. Because the Common Application keeps shifting to be inclusive of a wide range of colleges and universities, the membership is quite diverse. It includes nearly all top colleges and top universities, but also some schools that are not selective at all. Both public and private institutions use the Common App, as do several historical black colleges and universities.    The Most Recent Common Application Starting in 2013 with CA4, the newest version of the Common Application, the paper version of the application has been phased out and all applications are now  submitted electronically through the Common Application website. The online application allows you to create different versions of the application for different schools, and the website will also keep track of the different application requirements for the different schools to which you are applying. The roll-out of the current version of the application was fraught with problems, but current applicants should have a relatively trouble-free application process. Many schools will ask for one or more  supplemental essays  to complement the essay you write on one of the seven personal essay options provided on the Common Application. Many colleges will also ask for a short answer essay on one of your extracurricular or work experiences. These supplements will be submitted through the Common Application website with the rest of your application. Issues Related to the Common Application The Common Application is most likely here to stay, and the benefits it provides applicants certainly outweigh the negatives. The application is, however, a bit of a challenge for many colleges. Because it is so easy to apply to multiple schools using the Common App, many colleges are finding that the number of applications they are receiving is going up, but the number of students they are matriculating is not. The Common Application makes it more challenging for colleges to predict the yield from their applicant pools, and as a result, many schools are forced to rely more heavily on waitlists. This uncertainly can come back to bite students who find themselves placed in waitlist limbo because colleges simply cant predict how many students will accept their offers of admission.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

10 Facts About Africa

10 Facts About Africa Africa is an amazing continent. From its start as the heart of humanity, it is now home to more than a billion people. It has jungles and desert and even a glacier. It extends into all four hemispheres. It is a place of superlatives. Find out more from these 10 essential facts about the continent: 1) The East African Rift zone, which divides the Somalian and Nubian tectonic plates, is the location of several important discoveries of human ancestors by anthropologists. The active spreading rift valley is thought to be the heartland of humanity, where much human evolution likely took place millions of years ago. The discovery of the partial skeleton of Lucy in 1974 in Ethiopia sparked major research in the region. 2) If you divide the planet into seven continents, then Africa is the worlds second largest continent, covering about 11,677,239 square miles (30,244,049 square km). 3) Africa is located to the south of Europe and southwest of Asia. It is connected to Asia via the Sinai Peninsula in northeastern Egypt. The peninsula itself is usually considered part of Asia, with the Suez Canal and the Gulf of Suez as the dividing line between Asia and Africa. African countries are usually divided into two world regions. The countries of northern Africa, bordering the Mediterranean Sea, are usually considered part of a region called North Africa and the Middle East, while countries south of the northernmost countries of Africa are usually considered part of the region called Sub-Saharan Africa. In the Gulf of Guinea off the coast of western Africa lies the intersection of the equator and the Prime Meridian. As the Prime Meridian is an artificial line, this point has no true significance. 4) Africa is also the second most populous continent on Earth, with about 1.256 billion people (2017). Africas population is growing faster than Asias population (4.5 billion), but Africa will not catch up to Asias population in the foreseeable future. For an example of Africas growth, Nigeria, currently, the worlds seventh most populous country on Earth, is expected to become the third most populous country by 2050. Africa is expected to grow to 2.5 billion people by 2050. Nine of the 10 highest total fertility rates on Earth are African countries, with Niger topping the list (6.49 births per woman as of 2017). 5) In addition to its high population growth rate, Africa also has the worlds lowest life expectancies. The average life expectancy for citizens of Africa is 61 years for males and 64 years for females, though its a little lower in some regions of Africa and higher in northern Africa (closer to the global average). The continent is home to the worlds highest rates of HIV/AIDS; more than two-thirds of all people infected are in Africa. Better treatment for HIV/AIDS is directly related to average life expectancy rising back to 1990 levels in southern Africa by 2020. 6) With the possible exceptions of Ethiopia and Liberia, all of Africa was colonized by non-African countries. The United Kingdom, France, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Germany, and Portugal all claimed to rule parts of Africa without the consent of the local population. In 1884–1885 the Berlin Conference was held among these powers to divide up the continent among the non-African powers. Over the following decades, and especially after World War II, African countries gradually regained their independence with the borders as established by the colonial powers. These borders, established without regard to local cultures, have caused numerous problems in Africa. Today, only a few islands and a very small territory on the Moroccan coast (which belongs to Spain) remain as territories of non-African countries. 7) With 196 independent countries on Earth, Africa is home to more than a quarter of these countries. There are 54 fully independent countries on mainland Africa and its surrounding islands. All 54 countries are members of the United Nations. Every country is a member of the African Union, including Morocco, which rejoined in 2017. 8) Africa is fairly non-urbanized. Only 43 percent of Africas population lives in urban areas. Africa is home to only a few megacities with a population greater than 10 million: Cairo, Egypt; Lagos, Nigeria; and Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo. The Cairo and Lagos urban areas are around 20 million, and Kinshasa has about 13 million residents. 9) Mt. Kilimanjaro is the highest point in Africa. Located in Tanzania near the Kenyan border, this dormant volcano rises to an elevation of 19,341 feet (5,895 meters). Mt. Kilimanjaro is the location of Africas only glacier, although scientists predict that the ice on the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro will disappear by the 2030s due to global warming. 10) While the Sahara Desert is not the largest nor the driest desert on Earth, it is the most notable. The desert covers about 25 percent of the land of Africa.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Rise of Fascism and Japanese Imperialism Essay

The Rise of Fascism and Japanese Imperialism - Essay Example The three primary factors were: Japanese militant imperialism, the failure of the League of Nations, and Nazi Germany’s inability to abide by their own treaties. America tried to avoid being directly involved with the military, by assuring its military neutrality at several conferences and through arms deals. Despite America’s proposed neutrality, it did certainly favor its old allies from the days of the First World War, and oppose the spread of fascism. It thus attempted to aid its allies through arms deals such as the lend-lease act, which would provide American made military machinery of various sorts to the British for free in the short term, supposedly expecting repayment in the long term (Brinkley 243). America thus tried to avoid getting directly involved with the conflict while still providing its allies with the materials necessary to win it themselves. America’s attempts to avoid conflict were foiled by several factors, the most notable of which was Ja panese imperialism. The United States and Japan both had significant pacific colonies, with the United States holding Hawaii and the Philippines while Japan had a series of pacific islands. This brought the two nations into conflict, and all but assured that Japan’s imperial aims would eventually come up against American land claims. This conflict led to the proximate cause of America entering the Second World War, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Because of the alliance between Japan and Germany, the attack had to be considered an act of both parties, and the United States was thus directly thrust into the Second World War. Though Japanese imperialism was a proximate cause that directly led to the United States entering the conflict, there were several other factors that would have all but guaranteed that the United States would have eventually had to get involved regardless. One of these was Germany’s lack of honesty and integrity when dealing at peace conference s, especially the Munich conference. At this conference, a European line in the sand was drawn, indicating that Germany’s actions up to that point, such as annexing Austria or Czechoslovakia would be accepted (in part because those, especially Austria, were already in Germany’s sphere of influence and at least partly culturally German). Germany’s technically illegal expansion of its army was also legitimized, in large part because allies had begun to realize how unreasonably harsh their victory conditions after WWI were. The conference also indicated, however, that Germany would not continue future territorial expansions such as invading France or Poland. Germany agreed to this plan, then relatively quickly afterwards, built up their military and invaded Poland. This indicated that Germany’s peace promises could not be trusted, which means that the United States would never feel assured of its safety. The failure of the League of Nations also guaranteed a n eventually entry into the conflict by the United States. The League of Nations was a group proposed by Woodrow Wilson at the close of the First World War as a mechanism to stop future wars: it would be a place both for diplomatic discussions and have military power to engage in defense actions, forcing an armed truce amongst all

Friday, October 18, 2019

What are the strengths and weaknesses of a federal system of Research Paper

What are the strengths and weaknesses of a federal system of government Is it better than a unitary system of government Why or why not Be specific - Research Paper Example There is another advantage that states are able to settle its own policies and regulation to govern themselves, this system ensures government to remain close with people so they can be acquainted with necessitate and wants of the people. The weakness of this system is that there is a different system and each state government that can lead to over-lapping contradictory policies in various parts of the country. This system creates inequality between the states and this may steer the states to unhealthy hostility among them. Misuse of power can lead governments to corruption and in federal system corruption is very frequently practiced. (Baluyot) In unitary system, political and governing power resides with central government. In this system the central government usually delegates command to sub-national units and guide policy verdicts for implementation. This system is in contrast of federal system (K). Federal government system is better than a unitary government system because it has multiple hierarchy levels with central and local authority, also the central policy dominates over state policy and it is shared between national and local levels. But in unitary government there is no hierarchy of independent powers, states have no authority to pass their own laws, central government is the sole power to issue directives to do

Writer's Chioce Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Writer's Chioce - Movie Review Example For instance, the movie depicts the overflowing of Manhattan as a wind-caused surge, even though this epic wave, which is also known as tsunami could only be stimulated by a marine earthquake or tremor or a meteorite strike, rather than by a hurricane or an alteration in the North Atlantic Current. The stun frosting in the view of the hurricane goes against the laws of thermodynamics (Rehill, 2009). The filmmakers are honest about the truth that it is not a precisely realistic scenario. The promotion material given by the film firm Fox says that once scientists converse about sudden climate change they imply ten or five years, but for theatrical reasons, the whole thing was condensed to a couple of weeks. In order to depict the dramatic impacts of a vital climatic catastrophe in a short time span, they only took acknowledged weather limits such as storm surges, tornados, hailstorms and cyclones blizzards. Conversely, given the constraints and rules of the genre, it is astonishing to what level the filmmakers have attempted to include some sensible background. For instance, in the early moments of the film, the director reveals a United Nations climate convention in Delhi where Jack Hall talks about the probable risk of a blackout of the North Atlantic Current (Ebert, 2005). During the convention, Jack Hall states that a blackout may occur in a thousand years or hundred years, or may not at all. Several real climate experts have said a similar thing. In this manner, the actor shows what climate experts think in a realistic way in the movie. The director of the movie shows the politics of weather change. It is disturbingly realistic how the leader of the United States delegation, who is the vice president in the movie, reacts to Halls speech. This implies that small prospects with few words of dialogue are smartly used to initiate a number of key conflicts and ideas, which are extremely recognizable to climatologists but not

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Internet Service Providers Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Internet Service Providers - Dissertation Example In the long-run, making it legal to allow ISPs to charge premium rate for â€Å"priority services† will open new business opportunity for ISPs to earn more money which eventually can be spent on further improvements on their existing Internet infrastructure or the need to build new fibber networks (BBC News, 2010; Blodget, 2010). On the contrary, there are also a large group of people and business organizations who will be negatively affected by implementing differential pricing on Internet services. For this reason, there are a lot of individuals who are against making it legal for ISPs to offer different levels of Internet services based on what the customers are willing to pay for. By allowing the ISPs to offer low market prices for poor quality Internet services, ISPs will have the edge to convince more people to pay more money for faster Internet access. It means that the end-customers will have to shoulder a large amount of money for using more Internet bandwidth (Blodge t, 2010; Jarvis, 2010). Two-speed internet aims to charge premium prices on content makers and customers who are willing to pay more for â€Å"fast lane† access (BBC News, 2010). ... s on YouTube or improve the current Internet services offered Google will negatively affected once the two speed internet connection is implemented (Jarvis, 2010). As a result, the number of audiences these online advertisers are targeting may eventually shrink. Net neutrality is referring to the principle wherein â€Å"data transferred through Internet services are treated with equal priority† (Stair, Reynolds and Reynolds, 2010, p. 275). It means that ISPs are obliged to collect equal payment from each of the Internet users regardless of whether or not the end-users are using more or less bandwidth. Implementing the two-speed Internet policy or differential pricing in UK can lead to the end of the Internet. Since it will be costly on the part of the Internet users to pay for Internet services, the overall expected Internet traffic will decrease. As a result, the business of content providers and online advertisers like Google and Facebook are expected to become less effectiv e. This is the primary reason why Google and Facebook are strongly in support of net neutrality for landline and wireless networks (Maisto, 2010; McCarthy, 2010). Q.2 Discuss the extent to which it is valid and useful to treat all â€Å"data† as being equal in the context of it being transferred across the internet. Net neutrality serves as a guide in terms of preserving the users’ freedom to have access to an open Internet. In other words, the context of net neutrality requires all data being transferred across the Internet should be treated equally provided that these data are legal. As explained by Andersen and Gray (2008, p. 289), net neutrality requires all ISPs to avoid promoting discrimination among its customers by offering speed-up or slow-down access to Web-based contents. Morley (2008,

Discussion Board Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Discussion Board - Essay Example r-related theft, internet fraud (in relation to credit card transaction and payment security), as well as operating the business in an environment where risky decision-making is kept to a minimum. To ensure minimal risk, the organization will implement a series of employee-targeted training seminars which will highlight the expectations of the company in relation to its policies on honesty and integrity, with a stern listing of potential disciplinary actions for failure to work in an ethical manner. For instance, these policies and procedures will be well-documented within an employee handbook, which will be distributed to each and every new hire at OASOGB. The costs of producing this handbook are minimal, however the gains received by protecting the organization from theft, or lawsuits pending due to employee grievances for unfair labor policies, will completely satisfy the companys legal obligations to generate policies which clearly define the firms stand on employee integrity. Further associated with risk management will be the companys firm recognition of the competitive environment in which Old American Special Occasion Gift Baskets will attempt to thrive. Having previously identified (in the letter to the investor) that the organization will be undertaking a significant marketing initiative, the organization will conduct a thorough SWOT analysis to identify a series of potential strengths and opportunities available to the start-up firm, while also illustrating potential competitor threats and company-related weaknesses needing additional leadership attention. For instance, in order to maintain a competitive edge, OASOGB must be routinely aware of the marketing activities of other competitive entities and attempt to combat any marketing which appears to be taking our local market share away from OASOGB. This will involve the creation of a marketing analysis division at the company, which will consist of a small team of professionals who are actively

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Internet Service Providers Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Internet Service Providers - Dissertation Example In the long-run, making it legal to allow ISPs to charge premium rate for â€Å"priority services† will open new business opportunity for ISPs to earn more money which eventually can be spent on further improvements on their existing Internet infrastructure or the need to build new fibber networks (BBC News, 2010; Blodget, 2010). On the contrary, there are also a large group of people and business organizations who will be negatively affected by implementing differential pricing on Internet services. For this reason, there are a lot of individuals who are against making it legal for ISPs to offer different levels of Internet services based on what the customers are willing to pay for. By allowing the ISPs to offer low market prices for poor quality Internet services, ISPs will have the edge to convince more people to pay more money for faster Internet access. It means that the end-customers will have to shoulder a large amount of money for using more Internet bandwidth (Blodge t, 2010; Jarvis, 2010). Two-speed internet aims to charge premium prices on content makers and customers who are willing to pay more for â€Å"fast lane† access (BBC News, 2010). ... s on YouTube or improve the current Internet services offered Google will negatively affected once the two speed internet connection is implemented (Jarvis, 2010). As a result, the number of audiences these online advertisers are targeting may eventually shrink. Net neutrality is referring to the principle wherein â€Å"data transferred through Internet services are treated with equal priority† (Stair, Reynolds and Reynolds, 2010, p. 275). It means that ISPs are obliged to collect equal payment from each of the Internet users regardless of whether or not the end-users are using more or less bandwidth. Implementing the two-speed Internet policy or differential pricing in UK can lead to the end of the Internet. Since it will be costly on the part of the Internet users to pay for Internet services, the overall expected Internet traffic will decrease. As a result, the business of content providers and online advertisers like Google and Facebook are expected to become less effectiv e. This is the primary reason why Google and Facebook are strongly in support of net neutrality for landline and wireless networks (Maisto, 2010; McCarthy, 2010). Q.2 Discuss the extent to which it is valid and useful to treat all â€Å"data† as being equal in the context of it being transferred across the internet. Net neutrality serves as a guide in terms of preserving the users’ freedom to have access to an open Internet. In other words, the context of net neutrality requires all data being transferred across the Internet should be treated equally provided that these data are legal. As explained by Andersen and Gray (2008, p. 289), net neutrality requires all ISPs to avoid promoting discrimination among its customers by offering speed-up or slow-down access to Web-based contents. Morley (2008,

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Issues in gglobal development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Issues in gglobal development - Essay Example The bags look very elegant and girlie. The range also includes make-up bags, umbrellas, lamp shades and stationery. Nowadays in big posh markets Clippy kits are being sold including Selfridges, Harrods and John Lewis. The Clippy products are also being sold at plenty of boutique-type shops across the UK and a growing number of stores in Europe. There have been celebrities also such as Jools, Jamie Oliver and Helena Bonham Carter who were seen with such Clippy bags. At the start of the business, they had to develop their product and brand but after the recession they concentrated on more sales. Most of the independent shops were lowering their orders so that they can again reassess the company. They enjoyed the way the product started getting developed but it got to the stage where they focused on increasing their sales, thereby targeting the Japan market. This paper will try to analyse how clippy bags can expand its global presence. In this age of globalization, it is very necessary to go global. Clippy Bags has itself recognised this need and has tried to take into account global expansion strategy. But till now it has concentrated its business mainly in europran markets and Japan. A significant potential markets is still unexplored. This paper will first look into the current exporting strategy of Clippy bags, then it will move on to analysing the internatioanl business strategy that it can consider for its global development. For this purpose, this paper will consider theoratical perspectives a s well as preactical considerations. 2. Strategies for global expansion: 2.1 Exporting and importing: The business woman Calypso Rose has run the stationary and accessories business since when she was just 23 years of age. The brand name Clippy has become a successful international venture across six different markets thereby strengthening its base in UK with the help of London International Trade Team of UK Trade and Investment (UKTI). (GLE, 2010) The company which w as owned by the mother-daughter team has doubled their export turnover in the year 2009-10, and during the first half of 2010, they have secured new international deals worth of 45000 dollar, which was a direct impact after a market visit of Japan. The entrepreneur Calypso Rose explained that she began by making one bag on the kitchen table for herself only. The bags became very popular among the masses. At that time she was on the first rung of a TV career, but it was a matter of weeks before she decided to change direction and start up a new venture on business. (GLE, 2010) Clippy established a strong foothold in the UK market before their potential for international success was recognized in 2007 by Gail Williams, UKTI London International Trade Adviser (ITA). Gail encountered the firm at a home, giftware and fashion trade show, and saw that the innovative, customizable, design-led, product range of handbags, makeup bags, umbrellas and stationery accessories of Clippy were highly suitable for overseas markets. It was not long before the company was benefiting from expert UKTI advice about the giftware sector in the UK and around the world. (GLE, 2010) Calypso said that the strategic advice of Gail Williams at the early stage of their export journey was really useful, which in turn enabled them to put Clippy in an international

Job satisfaction Essay Example for Free

Job satisfaction Essay Learning as a way to improve happiness: When a worker is satisfied, then happiness would be realized later on. As a worker is able to get the idea that his efforts are contributing to the growth of the company, he is able to feel the true sense of being satisfied and happy with his job. His duties become his achievements and these achievements become the source of his inner happiness. Learning as a way to boost self-esteem: When a person is knowledgeable of what he does, then he gains confidence that he could do well with the duties that are assigned to him. Hence, to no doubt, his excellent performance on the matter follows as well. As for example, if an employer provides his employees of a way by which they are able to increase their capabilities as his employees, then they are encouraged more to perform well with the tasks that are assigned to them by the management. This identifies the role of learning as a way to motivate employees. On the other hand, if an employee receives the provided knowledge or improvement programs provided by the employers, then they gain self-esteem and job satisfaction as well which in turn makes them fell happy about their job. As obviously seen, the chain of providing and receiving learning or education at certain point works within a motion of giving and taking and taking and giving, which in turn results to better outcome not only for the company but for the employee as an individual as well? The equity of performance and motivation To ensure that the employees are working their best, and that their needs are equally given compared to all the things that are required of them, the following elements of motivation should be considered: 1. Dual Factor The needs of people are subdivided into two main categories. These categories include both the hygiene factor and the motivation factor. These two factors both include the most important needs of the company employees such as the wage and job satisfaction matters. Being able to provide these needs may mean that the company management needs to apply more effort in implementing policies to be able to meet the required satisfaction factors of the employees, however, the ‘loyalty’ returns to the company would make the efforts all worth it. 2. Equity Equality among all employees basing on the performance that they apply for the company’s cause is indeed a way by which the management could encourage fine performance from the workers. Everything must be in uniform, especially when it comes to rewards and benefits that the employees receive from their company. Doing s may cause the management to create fine programs that could handle such demand from the workers, while it would also result to better realization of job satisfaction on the part of the employees. 3. Expectancy Everyone expects something from something. When an employee does a good job, it is normal that he expects appreciation from the management. Hence, knowing what the employees expect and providing them could encourage them to do better, however, it should be realized that too much application of this theory may result to the employees being too demanding from the company. As seen in the three elements, human motivation processes requires fine decision form the management. Once the process is decided, it is up to the management again, to take the risk of applying the process in actual motivating practice. Hence, from the first towards the fifth theory that has been listed herein, it could be noticed that the main focus of the responsibility of encouraging the employees lies on the management. Then as the results of the process progress, the employees are the ones who are expected to act bringing the end results back to the management. The administration at some point has held the pay of the employees who have been flagged to be performing poorly during the past three months. The employees then who did not receive their salaries during the allotted payday have complained and said that the process that the management has opted to use to encourage them to work harder and perform better in their job is lame excuse on not having the capability if paying their salaries. This rising problem has not been expected by the company administration when they have decided to engage in the said process of motivation. They thought that by holding the salary of the employees, they would be waken up and realize that they have to do better in their job to be able to receive their salaries on time.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Economic Costs of Civil War

Economic Costs of Civil War Costalli, S., Moretti, L., Pischedda, C. (2014). The Economic Costs of Civil War: Synthetic Counterfactual Evidence and the Effects of Ethnic Fractionalization. HiCN Working Papers, 184. This paper provides an analysis of the role of the civil war in the destruction of the economy of a particular region. This paper directly relates to the topic of big business because it is virtually impossible for any business organization to achieve growth in an environment that is not stable. Civil wars and conflicts normally have the capability of destroying the economy of a given region, and this is better reflected in Iraq, Sub-Saharan Africa and various regions of the world, which are prone to civil wars. This paper provides a detailed analysis on the impact of civil wars within an economy, and the best policies to enact for purposes of protecting a given economy from collapse. This paper directly relates to the current issues that involve the manner which organizations are doing business. This is because of globalization, and the era of multi-national corporations, where business organizations are involved in an expansion strategy aimed at increasing the share of their markets, and their profits. However, these organizations cannot invest in a hostile climate that is full of civil war. This is because they would most definitely make losses, and infrastructures do not exist, that can help in the facilitation of business activities. Therefore, having a complete understanding of the political and business environment of a particular region is important because it helps in the development of a decision on whether to expand in a given economy or not. The reason I choose this paper is based on the fact that the world is cur5rently experiencing a series of civil wars. This includes a civil war in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Nigeria, etc. These wars play a role in limiting the growth of these states, and in the conduction of international trade. For example, a country such as Nigeria, Iraq and Libya has various multi-national corporations which are in charge of drilling oil, and exploring oil substances. Civil conflicts and political instability would scare off international investors, leading to the collapse of the economies of these countries. The limitation of this paper, is that it does not provide adequate information on how top prevent civil wars. I intend to get this information from books, specifically books written about democracy and politics. Political journals would also be another source of information aimed at supplementing the information contained in this article. This is the first article I would review, specifically because it introduces us to factors that may hinder the emergence of big business organizations within an economy. Sab, R. (2014). Economic Impact of Selected Conflicts in the Middle East: What Can We Learn from the Past? IMF Working Papers. This paper examines the causes of conflict, in making countries to be unstable. This paper concerns itself with Middle-East, where it analyzes how civil wars, political instabilities has led to a slowdown in economic growth, high inflation, loss of revenues, large fiscal deficits etc. Through this paper, we are able to learn that it is virtually impossible to carry out business activities in a political environment that is not stable. This paper relates with the current business environment, because of the concept of international trade, where multi-national companies normally seek to invest in stable political economies. Therefore, we are able to learn while these companies do not invest in most unstable countries of Middle East. The motivation of using this article, is based on the need of understanding how politics play a role in influencing the growth of business organization. There are gaps in this paper, and one is that it does not provide the methods to use in promoting good governance and political stability. Therefore, I intend to use books, specifically, books on democracy and governance for purposes of addressing the shortcomings of this article. This is the second article I would review, because it is directly related to the first article. Wandschneider, K. (2014). Capital Controls and Recovery from the Financial Crisis of the 1930s. C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers, 10019. This paper relates to the topic Big Business because it outlines and explains the various capital regulatory measures that were enacted by government organizations in the financial crisis that occurred during the periods of 1930s. It is very essential to understand the response of the regimes during these eras, in terms of capital flights, because big business organizations are always characterized by the control of large capitals that they use for purposes of investing within the regions or areas of their operations. To safeguard the collapse of an economy because of capital flights, it is necessary to introduce capital control measures that are targeted to big business organizations. Hence this article is very important, because it provides this kind of information. The information contained in this article is highly relevant in the current business environment. This is because the world has just experienced a global recession which was similar to that which took place in the 1930s. The response of the government was also the regulation of large business enterprises, and interfering with their activities for purposes of protecting them from going bankrupt. This aspect of the regulation of big business organization is therefore important, because of the great role they play in the development of the economy of a particular state or region. The global recession affected almost all major international companies, and they were at the verge of collapsing, hence the intervention of their home governments. This paper is therefore a motivation to me, because it explains the methods used in controlling and regulating big business organizations so that they may not fail in their operations. However, this paper only centers on the role of government in regulating big business organization, hence the reduction of capital flights from these economies. It does not explain the role of other stakeholders such as investors, customers, etc. I intend to find this kind of information from other journals of economics, finance and business. References: Costalli, S., Moretti, L., Pischedda, C. (2014). The Economic Costs of Civil War: Synthetic Counterfactual Evidence and the Effects of Ethnic Fractionalization. HiCN Working Papers, 184. Sab, R. (2014). Economic Impact of Selected Conflicts in the Middle East: What Can We Learn from the Past? IMF Working Papers. Wandschneider, K. (2014). Capital Controls and Recovery from the Financial Crisis of the 1930s. C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers, 10019.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Securing a Place of Power: Reinventing the Role of Women in Theatrical Representation :: Research Papers

Securing a Place of Power: Reinventing the Role of Women in Theatrical Representation In The Feminist Spectator as Critic, Jill Dolan examines the current hegemony of the â€Å"white, heterosexual, middle-class male† (121) as the subject of representation in theater. She examines why feminist attempts to expose this bias and use it to change the objectification of the roles of women have failed, when this has even been attempted, and furnishes her hypothesis on how this failure can be prevented. In the dominant illusionist tradition of American theater, the individuality of the spectator is subsumed in the singular mass of the audience. The face most often given to this mass audience is that of the â€Å"white, heterosexual, middle-class male† (121). Women’s roles are objectified, and, in the process, the feminist spectator is alienated as her gender, race, class, and/or sexual orientation have no relation to what is presented onstage. Feminism is a critique of the prevailing male-dominated social norm that seeks to change this norm and therefore is the platform from which to change its domination in theater. Dolan enumerates three segments of American feminism: liberal, cultural or radical, and materialist. She credits liberal feminism with the bolstering of female visibility and involvement in theater and acknowledges the women-affirming aspects of cultural feminism, but she finds them both flawed and unsuitable for an effective attack on the male domination of theater. Materialist feminism looks at women as a class, oppressed by material conditions and social relations. It considers gender as a social construct, in the service of the dominant culture’s ideology and accepted as normative by the less powerful, which is oppressive to both men and women. It rejects the universality of the mythical Woman and instead views women as historical subjects whose position in the social structures of the dominant culture is influenced by race, class, and sexual orientation. Materialist feminism sees as necessity the unmasking of the ideas of gender and power of the dominant culture and thus what most theater and performance represents. Materialist feminism does not aim to judge, but to examine the ways in which a performance delivers its ideological message, in order to formulate strategies for combating the oppressive cultural assumptions inherent in this message. Its goal is â€Å"to affect a larger cultural change in the ideological and material condition of women and men† (18), and it sees the necessity of politically analyzing the current condition and its representational

Friday, October 11, 2019

Hunting and Wildlife Conservation Go Hand in Hand Essay -- Hunting Ess

It’s a brisk November morning like any other day, but today isn’t any other day, today is the first day of firearm deer season. Shots are going off everywhere like world war three declared on deer. I’m wrapped in every hunting garment I own but winters cold embrace always finds its way in. My cheeks are rosy red and my breath was thick in the air. As I raise my shotgun and pull the trigger, my heart races and my hands shake. As I race after my prize, the sounds of leaves crunching beneath my feet are muffled by the ringing in my ears. I’m walking face to the ground like a hound on a trail and then my eyes caught it, my very first whitetail. I will never forget my first deer and the joy I felt sharing it with my family. Hunting is a passed down tradition for my family and friends. Throughout the world, millions of people participate in the spoils and adventure of the hunt. Hunting has been a pastime since the beginning of man. Hunting is one o f those things either you like or you don’t like. It’s hard to explain the joys of hunting ,because it’s something one must experience for his self. Hunting does have laws and regulations you have to abide by. Are hunting regulations benefiting the hunter or the animal? This paper will discuss some of the regulations and laws, types of game, disadvantages of regulations, the pros of regulations, poachers, and ways to preserve wildlife and there habitat. To hunt in the state of Illinois one must obtain a green card from the hunters safety course. Then they need to buy a hunting license for whatever county they hunt in. When firearm hunting by yourself you also need a Foid card, or literally, a Firearms owner identification card. You also need tags for the animal you are goin... ...ake, but what they give is endless. Without anything to regulate game it would be a wild frenzy among hunters, but with regulation hunters try to enhance their wildlife and habitat, they use precision, skill, and try do whatever they can to better their chances or fix their mistakes every year. Without regulations and laws it’s just killing, but with them it’s a fine art that holds new challenges around every turn. Works Cited 1. 2. 3. The hunter in conservation by The Council for wildlife Conservation and education. inc 4. The Duck hunters book by Lamar Underwood & Tom Hennessey 5. Field and Stream magazine November 2013 6. Treasury of Big Game Animals by Erwin A. Bauer 7. Advanced Whitetail Hunting by Ron Spomer & Gary Clancy 8. The Art and Science of patterning Whitetails by Dr. James C. Kroll and Gordon Whittington

Role of Angels

New Testament November 5, 2012 Role of Angels Unlike most books in the Bible, where they are mostly historical, Revelation is a book on prophecy. It is believed that John the Apostle. The word ‘revelation’ means ‘unveiling’, it is the unveiling of an apocalypse. It is the only apocalyptic book in the Bible. In Revelation, Jesus will come again to show his servants what is going to happen. This is similar to the Gospel of John, where Jesus comes to show what his Father has shown him.Angles come from the Greek word from a , meaning angel, or â€Å"knowledge† (â€Å"Angels today: all about angels†) also the term angel† in Aramaic, MALAKHA, means â€Å"messenger†. Angels have the knowledge of God’s word and are messengers to spread his word. Angels are also found in many religions, including Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. They are either guardians or messengers from God, â€Å"In some cultures, they are believed to be the mo st powerful type of fairy† (â€Å"Angels today: all about angels†).Is there a hierarchy in Angles? There are some that believe there is. â€Å"Scholars of the Middle Ages believed that angels and archangels were lowest in the order because they were the most involved in the world of men and thus more susceptible to sin. † (â€Å"Angels today: all about angels†). The hierarchy according to Angels today are; first hierarchy seraphim and cherubim. Seraph is mentioned in Isaiah 6:1-7 with six wings, two covered their faces, two covered with feet and two were for flying.Cherubim’s are mentioned in Ezekiel 1:5 as, appearance form that of a man, but each of them had four faces and four wings, their legs were straight; their feet were like those of a calf, under their wings they had hands of a man. Second hierarchy includes dominions and powers or authorities, mentioned in Ephesians 6:12 â€Å"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against th e rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms†. The third and final tier of the hierarchy is the angels’ archangels.Angels are known as the messages of God. Archangels come from Greek meaning chief angel. The word Archangel only comes up twice in the New Testament and only once with an angels name, Archangel Michael in Jude 1:9. It’s noted that the word archangel is never plural in the New Testament, but in other books there is other mentions of other archangels; Raphael in the Book of Tobit, Uriel in the second Book of Esdras and Gabriel is believed to be an archangel but has no direct mentions of it. It is the making of four archangels.Angels play an important role in the book of Revelation, being involved with many of God's judgments upon the earth. Revelation starts with the breaking of the seven seals. The first four summon the Four Horsemen, White Horseman to conquer and spread the gospel, Red Horseman represents war to make man slaughter each other, Black Horseman represents famine, and the Pale Horseman represents death (Rev 6:1-8). The fifth seal brought the souls of those who had been slain because of the words of God to the altar (Rev 6:9). The sixth seal caused a great earthquake (Rev 6:12).When the seventh seal was broken, seven angels came down from heaven with seven trumpets representing the seven plagues (Rev 8:2). First trumpet sounded and hail and fire mixed with blood is hurled to the earth. One third of earth is burned up; one third of trees and all green grass is burned up. Second trumpet sounded and a huge, blazing mountain thrown into sea; one third of the sea turned to blood; one third of sea creatures died; one third of ships destroyed. Third trumpet sounded and a blazing star fell on one third of rivers and springs of water, one third of waters turned bitter killing many people.Forth trumpet sounded and one third of sun, moon , and stars are struck, one third of the day was dark and one third of night. Fifth trumpet sounded and a star fallen from the sky is given the key to unlock the abyss. The sun, moon, and stars were darkened by smoke from the abyss as locusts came down upon the earth; these creatures had power to torment those who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads for five months. Sixth a release the four angels bound at the river Euphrates; one third of mankind is killed; a two hundred million man army is organized and activated. Rev 8-9). Seventh angel blew his horn starting the battle of Armageddon, then came flashes of lightning, rumbling, peals of thunder and a severe earthquake (Rev 16:16-17). Some of these plagues are very similar to the plagues of Moses. The first trumpet is similar to the eighth plague in Moses, the Lord said ‘Take handfuls of soot from a furnace and have Moses toss it into the air in the presence of Pharaoh. It will become fine dust over the whole land of Egypt and Festering boils will break out on men and animals throughout the land. (Exodus 9:8-9). The second trumpet is like the first plague in Moses, where every stream, canal, reservoir, and even the water in wooden buckets and stone jars were turned to blood (Exodus 7:19). The fourth trumpet is like the ninth plague, and the LORD said unto Moses, Stretch out tine hand toward heaven, that there may be darkness over the land of Egypt, even darkness which may be felt. And Moses stretched forth his hand toward heaven; and there was a thick darkness in all the land of Egypt three days (Exodus 10:21-22).Finally the locusts coming from abyss and tormenting those without the seal of God, is both like the locusts of the eighth plague, bringing locusts to Egypt in Exodus 10:4 and that without the sign on them from Exodus 9:8. The start of Armageddon could have well before Revelation, but in Revelation 12:7-9, â€Å"And there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. The great dragon was hurled down – that ancient serpent called the devil or Satan, who leads the whole world astray.He was hurled to the earth and his angels with him†. This all-out war in heaven forced Satan down to earth and to be enslaved till the day of Armageddon. â€Å"Satan, being a very intelligent foe, well remembers how he was outgunned in that battle. His angels are no match for Christ (Michael) and heavens angel army, so if they ever meet again he will need serious reinforcements. † (Cross). After Satan was defeated and sent to hell, one could imagine how Satan must have felt and waiting, planning for the day he could come back for one last final battle.After being defeated in heaven he will be looking for a fairer playing field, here on earth. Satan is preparing his army during the blowing of trumpets and the seven plagues. â€Å"The n they gathered the kings together to the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon† (Rev 16:16). The start of the battle of Armageddon starts in Revelation 19, â€Å"I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice He judges and makes war. His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one but he himself knows.He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God. The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. Out of his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. ‘He will rule them with an iron scepter’ He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God almighty. On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: King of kings and Lord of lords†. Who is this guy on the white horse? The White Horseman? He’s not the Ki ngs of kings or the Lord of lords.Is this Jesus himself setting off into a glorious battle, or just another angel or heavenly being. To sum up what the battle of Armageddon is, â€Å"It is simply the final battle between Satan and his armies fighting against Christ and his armies for mastery and ownership of the world, and the final defeat of Satan’s rebellion †¦ and human against human, the 200,000,000 man army created by the kings of the earth and Christ. The outcome is such that sinners are destroyed and all sin is contained, for 1000 years† (Cross). Revelation 21 â€Å"The New Jerusalem† is the only time a New Jerusalem is mentioned. Because the book was written after the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem in A. D. 70† (Price). During Jesus times, his disciples wanted him to bring them a New Jerusalem and bring power back from the Romans. There is a slight reference to the destruction of the temple by the Romans in Revelations. â€Å"I did no t see a temple in the city, because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb is its temple† (Rev 22:22). The best description of this New Jerusalem is, â€Å"made ready as a bride adorned for her husband†¦ the bride, the wife of the Lamb† (Rev 21:2-9).Randall Price pointed out the Jewish tradition that John would have knew well and the metaphor that is used in Revelation 21. â€Å"In John 14:2. The background of the marriage metaphor is the Jewish custom of the bridegroom husband leaving the bride at the betrothal to prepare a new house where they would dwell together once he returned to take away his bride. † (Price). This city is heaven on earth, â€Å"Nothing impure will ever enter, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life† (Rev 21:27).In Revelation 22, there is another angel that shows John the river of the water of life and the tree of life. The river flowed from th e throne of God down the middle of the great city â€Å"New Jerusalem† and the tree of life â€Å"bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of nations. No longer will there be any curse. † (Rev 22: 2-3). This is the city of God and is protected from all things evil. After John had witnessed this vision he fell down before the angel who showed him, and the angel told him, â€Å"Do not do it!I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers the prophets and all who keep words of this book. Worship God! † Today we see many influences of angels in the modern world. There are shows like Touched by an Angel and Supernatural and show angels in them. These shows show the interaction of angels with people and the hierarchy of angels. The angels in Revelation are the beginning of Armageddon, come to fight the army of Satan and show the promised land of New Jerusalem. Work Cited â€Å"Angels today: al l about angels†.Web. November 4, 2012. Cross, Jack. The Apocalypse of Jesus; the Angels and the Earth, â€Å"Revelation† 2012. Web. November 4, 2012. Cross, Jack. The Apocalypse of Jesus; the Angels and the Earth, â€Å"Ehe End of the Conflict† 2012. Web. November 4, 2012. Price, Randall. â€Å"The New Jerusalem†. Jerusalem in Prophecy, Harvest House Publishers. 1998. Digital File. November 4, 2012. Zondervan NIV Study Bible. Fully rev. ed. Kenneth L. Barker, gen. ed. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2002. Print. November 4, 2012.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

New York Times vs. Sullivan

Issue: Does Freedom of Speech protect a newspaper when it makes false defamatory statements about the conduct of a public official if the statements were not made with knowing or reckless disregard for the actual facts? The holding does not match the issue. If the fourteenth amendment is going to be incorporated in the holding, then it has to be in the issue. Also, the issue needs to be posted in a constitutional way.   For example: By not requiring Sullivan to prove that the advertisement personally harmed him and dismissing the same as untruthful due to factual errors, did Alabama’s libel law unconstitutionally infringe on the First Amendments freedom of speech and freedom of press protections? Statement of the Facts: The New York Times published a full page ad soliciting funds to defend Martin Luther King, Jr. In the ad were accusations of brutal force employed by the Montgomery police force against King’s followers. L.B. Sullivan, the police commissioner at the time, claimed the ad maligned his character. He sued for, and won, damages from the lower court. The Holding/Decision of the Court: The Court held that the First and Fourteenth amendments protected a publisher from libel only if the false and derogatory statements were not made with knowing or reckless disregard for the truth. Reasons/Rationale: The Court made its decision based on three closely-related facts: †¢ First, the commercial nature of the advertisement; †¢ Second, the existence of actual malice; and, †¢ Finally, the tendency for the alleged libel to be connected to the plaintiff. The New York Times was paid to publish the ad. However the fact that it was a paid advertisement does not make it a ‘commercial ad' in that it waives constitutional guarantees of Freedom of Speech. To consider it as such would discourage newspapers from accepting â€Å"editorial advertisements† which would have a dangerous tendency to shut out this form of information promulgation. Furthermore, it would curtail freedom of speech and shackle those who do not own publications.   This would be in violation of the First Amendment, which aims to secure â€Å"the widest possible dissemination of information from diverse and antagonistic sources†. There was no actual malice in this case although negligence can be ascribed to the NY Times for not exercising due diligence in ensuring the facts published. The paper had merely published a paid advertisement. The publisher cannot be accused of knowingly publishing falsehoods. Being a public official, Commissioner Sullivan had to accept the reality that his work would be under constant scrutiny. A higher level of proof is necessary to prove that the defendant printed material with intent to malign Sullivan’s character, especially since the alleged criticism was about his official functions as the police commissioner. Finally, the alleged libelous ad did not bear any mention of his name. While the ad criticized the activities and â€Å"brutality of the police†, there was never any direct mention of Sullivan or the office of the police commissioner. It could not then be said that the ad was a directed, defamatory and malicious attack upon him. In fact, the acts described in the ad – the padlocking of the dining hall, among others – were not even directly ascribed to the police, much less the police commissioner. On a side note, there is even suggestion that the commissioner manifested a guilty conscience in respect of the acts protested in the ad. The court therefore ruled in favor of freedom of speech over the right of a public official to defend himself from attack. Such cases have often been cited as jurisprudence to justify the level of criticism that can be inflicted on a government official. For acts related to his official functions, there is virtually no limit to the attacks that can be levied so long as they are not done with reckless disregard for the facts. Justice Black concurs on the basis that the 1st and 14th amendments do not merely delimit a state's power to award damages to officials for criticism of their official conduct but completely prohibits a state from exercising this power.   He is of the opinion that the defendants had an absolute constitutional right to publish their criticisms regardless of whom they were aimed at. It is regrettable that the court stopped short of a holding unequivocally protecting our free press. Justice Goldberg concurs on the privilege to criticize official conduct, despite the harm which may flow from excesses and abuses and consistent with the prized American right â€Å"to speak one's mind†.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Sam 488 unit 3 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Sam 488 unit 3 - Assignment Example By empowering and boosting morale, the manager can effectively be a good leader in embedding change across enterprise. The CSO transfer new knowledge by mutual learning and PDU points. Conducive research indicates that mutual learning is exclusive and symbiotic because it harnesses excellent learning. When change occurs, many employees are often confused because they lack the proper education. New training should be a mutual symbiotic relationship and not assigning courses to employees. CSO can achieve optimal growth by promoting overall growth and net scores. Net scores generally for employees are a great way to ensure that employees are satisfied with the overall quality of the work. Net promoter scores also measure the impotence of the organization from a holistic view which gives management a pure understanding of how the company is performing. Another interesting model proposed by research indicates that Information, Motivation and Behavior change model is deemed applicable even though so much used in promoting good health seeking behaviour by other life styles. Holistically speaking, this theory builds on a foundation of an effective communication, which takes into account of keeping in mind the need to work by investing in in the employee itself. A performance management systems leads to a better job improvement because employees are invested in the program itself and are willing to work hard. Most employees feel that they are happy with the goals of the organization as tuition is covered, work from home is a flexibility, and goal is inevitable. However, many employees also felt that growth is limited over short-term is not feasible. Additionally, larger organizations are known to segment its work in smaller departments, which can ruin personal development. Overall, the consensus was clear that larger organizations have a difficult time keeping the employees happy according

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Working without Trade Unions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Working without Trade Unions - Essay Example Trade unionism has been in existence in the UK for more than 200 years, as illegal associations at first but gained legal recognition later (Trade Unions 1980). In 1978, statistics revealed that membership with numerous trade unions total to around 13 million workers (Trade Unions 1980). Unions existing at present serve the interests of particular type of workers or industry (Theses on the Trade n.d.). Through the unions, the workers can bargain with the employers to grant them increases in wages or salaries, specific working hours, benefits, or day-off from work. Negative Impact of Trade Union Unionism was primarily established to protect the interests of the workers. However, it has also been used by workers to blackmail employers. Running a company would entail a lot of factors to consider and has to maintain a certain margin of profit in order to survive the competition. Workers and employees though would want to get more from their employers by using various legal modes to get m ore benefits. Thus, at a slight movement in the economy or inflation, they would lay down their demands to the companies. There is a collective bargaining agreement or CBA that governs the relationship of employers and workers. The CBA is a contract of labour between the company and the workers. It exists at a certain period of time after which, it has to be renegotiated by both parties. At such renegotiation, the workers present their new demands which the employer may or may not concede. At the renewal of the CBA contract, the workers would push hard so that their demands will be granted by the employer. Companies that operate well and earn more profits may grant the economic demands of the workers. However, with the erratic economic conditions resulting from the recent global slump that affected banking and financial institutions, as well as several industries, CBA renegotiation or too much demand from the workers can tilt the operations of companies. Radical or extreme unionism that tends to disrupt company operations is bad for the economy and the company. It also fosters unhealthy employee-employer relationship that breeds distrust on the part of both parties. According to Naylor and Santoni (2003, cited in Radulescu & Robson 2006), there would be lesser foreign investments in a country where the bargaining power of trade unions on the aspect of wage is strong. There are studies though that do not support this position. Cooke (1997, cited in Radulescu & Robson 2006) and Cooke and Noble (1998, cited in Radulescu & Robson 2006) said that multinational firms in the US tend to invest in countries with decentralised wage bargaining process, and veer away from strong trade unionism. The Workplace Employee Relations Survey revealed that from 1990 to 1998, companies with unions undergo more closures than plants without unions (Millward, Forth & Bryson, 2001). Generally, companies without unions boomed at an average of 1.4 percent per year within the same period (Millward, Forth & Bryson, 2001). In contrast, firms with unions had been shrinking at an average of 1.8 percent yearly (Millward, Forth & Bryson, 2001). Addison and Belfield (2002) said that the prevailing trend seen in unionised companies is its slowed effect upon employment growth. UKs 1998 Workplace Employee Relations Panel Survey (WER-PS), lasting for eight years, that contained around 50 percent of the 1990 Workplace Industrial Relations Survey (original companies surveyed totals 2,016) revealed that firms that have labour unions existing for a very long time have weak labour productivity (Addison & Belfield 2002). On the

Monday, October 7, 2019

Analysis of Katharine Brushs Story Birthday Party Essay

Analysis of Katharine Brushs Story Birthday Party - Essay Example The reader doesn’t know anything about him, but using â€Å"self-satisfied† makes the first impression negative. The woman was presented as â€Å"fadingly pretty with big hat†. It’s obvious that the couple is not just married, they are not that young. The fact that she was wearing a big hat does not seem to be important, but at the end of the story, Katherine clarifies that it was her best hat. The surprise she prepared for her husband was quite banal, though the author let us know that it was thoroughly prepared: after the musicians played â€Å"happy birthday† the woman â€Å"beamed with shy pride over her little surprise†. Now it’s clear that she tried her best to please her husband, while his negative reaction to that surprise made her cry. Though we don’t know what exactly he said to his wife, Katharine characterized his words as â€Å"quick and curt and unkind†.Brush used bright adjectives which might seem to be a l ittle bit exaggerative, but that’s exactly what is needed in a short story to emphasize the ideas conveyed.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Small and Medium Entreprises in an international context Essay - 1

Small and Medium Entreprises in an international context - Essay Example he play of market dynamics and the intensity of competition to get set up, operate, overcome problems and manage to survive is the overall background of this research paper, signifying the basic interest of customer orientation of SME, extending to how it is done by the owner / managers, trends and success. In this section of introduction, the reader will encounter a general idea of SME’s, what are they, SME’s in the UK, and further focus on the region of Yorkshire and Humberside (which is the base region of this research paper). Then it states about the position and perception of this study the researcher is going to take the interest in the topic. Last but not the least, is the research structure that how I am going to do the research, tools to be used, systematic procedure in relation to the guidelines stated out, its limitations and advantages. Designing a method so as to favour investment, in SMEs, innovation training and clusters of enterprises, elements that are considered particularly important in the context of economic development, modernisation and employment prospects and standard of living, innovation and entreprenureship and growth. In the United Kingdom, it has remained one of the main destinations of FDI inflows. The ability of the region to attain and retain investment and skilled people reflects on the quality of life and environment and perceptions of the region as a good place to live and do business. The U.K. labour govt. have made it known that the future U.K. economy will become increasingly reliant upon SME’s with the formulation: -National Skill Task Force. (The opportunity to networks and access to world class value-adding information.) This region is clearly defined sub-regions, West and North Yorkshire, Humber and South Yorkshire. This region has experienced significant economic upheaval in the last decade, running down of the coal industry, decline in heavy industry, restructuring of steel industry. The majority of SME

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Communication Process in the workplace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Communication Process in the workplace - Essay Example In order to effectively deal with the managerial challenges that face their firms, managers emulates effective communication that is also essential in creation of a strong culture for example in aspects dealing with ethics (Laurie, 1989). AC 1.2 The communication cycle starts from the sender. This is the person who provides the first message that is coded in nature. For the sender to effectively send his or her message, he or she must select an appropriate medium or channel of communication. Through the medium, the message is directed to the receiver who then decodes the message in order to understand it. The receiver then sends a feedback to the sender, an indication that the receiver has understood the message. The communication cycle starts once more. AC 1.3 In their efforts to enhance communication in the work place, managers are faced with various barriers that affect their communication process. One of the major barriers to communication is omission of information by the sender . In case the sender omits a certain point during the communication it may affect all stages in the communication cycle making it difficult for the receiver to understand it. The second barrier is communication overload. ... AC 1.4 Thus, there is need to adopt various strategies to overcome the potential barriers to communication. For example, to overcome the barrier incurred due to use of contradicting signs, sender must use direct simple language that easily decoded by the receiver. Additionally, senders must emulate the culture of use of face-to-face communication that is known to be direct and easily understandable by the receivers (Laurie, 1989). Similarly, senders must reinforce their words with actions especially when communicating to large audience. Section 2: Understanding the methods of communication AC 2.1 One of the major methods of written communication is email. This entails use of internet sites such as Gmail and yahoo to send messages to the receivers. For effective communication through email, the sender and the receiver must have email addresses. Similarly, they should have an access to a computer with an internet connection. Emails are used to inform the applicants for example on the r esults of the interview. It can also be used by departmental managers to inform the employees on the date and venue of a meeting. Another example of a written communication is magazines. This entails writing a message on a booklet with the intention of informing the public or the consumers about the brands available in the market as well their prices and distribution centres. A good example of a method of oral communication is face to face. In a workplace, oral communication is used during the interviewing of new employees as well as during the training of the existing workers. AC 2.2 One of the main advantages of written methods of

Friday, October 4, 2019

The Hunger Games Essays That Shows Katniss Qualities Essay Example for Free

The Hunger Games Essays That Shows Katniss Qualities Essay Have you ever been taken away from your family and friends? Been forced into a game where to stay alive is the only way to win? The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins is about sixteen year old Katniss Everdeen, who lives in the country of Panem from the far- off city called the Capitol. The Capitol divides in districts. It is harsh, cruel and keeps the districts in line by forcing them all to send one boy and one girl between the ages twelve and eighteen to participate in the annual Hunger Games until the end of the death and only one survive. Strength and kind Katniss faces challenges and survives the Hunger Games. Katniss has used her strength to try and get through the Hunger Games. When Peeta Mellark had gotten cut by Cato’s sword, he was deeply wounded. Katniss has to try and treat him in order to save his life. She runs toward the Cornucopia without cares of her own to get the bag pack of medicine that will survive Peeta’s life. Also, Katniss has bow and arrows that shows her strength. With her bow and arrows, she finds food and kills her enemies. She can do many things and can last longer throughout the Hunger Games. She acknowledges, â€Å"So I focus on the one really good thing that’s happened since I landed in the arena. I have a bow and arrows! A full dozen arrows if you count the one I retrieved in the tree. They bear no trace of the noxious green slime that came from Glimmer’s body†(197). She had also used bow and arrows when she was in District 12 to help support her mother and her sister, Prim. Along with her strength, she has also kindness for others that succeed her to win the Hunger Games. Katniss goes to the Cornucopia to get the bag pack of medicine that will help to save Peeta’s life. At the feast Clove attacks on Katniss but before killing her, Clove makes a foment about Rue. Thresh hears her and survives Katniss from Clove. He doesn’t kill Katniss because Katniss was rue ally and he feels that he owes her. Katniss acknowledges, â€Å" I decorate her body in the flowers. Covering the ugly wound. Wreathing her face. Weaving her hair with bright colors†(237). That shows Katniss loves Rue because she looks like Prim. In conclusion, the author wants to show us how we can face difficult problems in our life with the help of our qualities. If we have good qualities, we can win every challenge. I have a friend who lives in country of India, city is called Bihar. Bihar government is very cruel and harsh. The political status of this city is not good. Bihar city is poor and struggling with food poverty. The people of Bihar are controlling by their government. The girls cannot go to schools and colleges in this city. My friend has very intelligent and has good qualities. She is president of team that is against the government of Bihar. They use their strength and power to change the rules of their city. Finally, they succeeded in their challenge. Like those People or Katniss we can use our qualities to succeed in our life.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Types of Grafts in Dentistry

Types of Grafts in Dentistry TYPES OF GRAFTS: Osseointegrated implants can be combined with the following types of graft: inlay, saddle, veneer, onlay (partial or full arch), and maxillary sinus grafts. (Triplett Schow, 1996) The mucoperiosteal flap should be designed to adequately expose the underlying residual ridge, maintain a broad base for vascular support, and allow tension-free primary closure. A midcrestal incision is usually preferred because it maximizes the vascularity to the margins of the mucoperiosteal flaps and minimizes ischemia created by the vasculature traversing dense, keratinized tissue at the crest of the ridge. Labial vertical releasing incisions are made as needed to improve access. All grafts must be well adapted to the recipient site with no or minimal space betveenbetween graft and residual bone. Hence, usually graft shaping and adaptation is unavoidable. The gGraft is positioned to its best adaptation to the underlying alveolus. A good fixation with titanium screws must be achieved to prevent the graft movement. Any movement of the graft increases the chance of soft tissues ingrowth between the graft and the recipient site, and thus the failure of the graft is likely. All voids or defects should be filled with particulate cancellous bone and marrow to provide good contour and eliminate dead space. A primary, tension-free closure must be achieved to prevent wound breakdown and graft exposure. A barrier membrane and filler graft may be used, if desired. Inlay Grafts Small osseous defects at the alveolar crest can be inlaid with an autologous graft to restore the contour and volume of bone necessary to place an the implant and allow for a proper emergence profile. The defect is usually exposed through a crestal incision that is extended around the necks of one or two adjacent teeth on either side of the defect. A vertical releasing incision is made if necessary. A barrier membrane may be used to protect these areas during healing. Saddle Graft Indicated where both horizontal and vertical ridge augmentation[S1], this type of graft is also of considerable value. Aautogenous bone stabilized with rigid fixation to restore anatomic height and width is an excellent solution to this problem. A saddle of bone is obtained from the anterior-inferior border of the mandible (ipsilateral site) and secured in position from the buccal or crestal aspect with 1.5mm titanium screws with a minimum of 2 screws to achieve stable graft fixation. Veneer Graft A veneer graft is preferred where there is only a horizontal bone defect of less than 4 mm. T Onlay Graft The design of onlay grafts can be segmental or arch in shape. Both the height and width of an atrophic ridge can be achieved with onlay grafts. Following Iindications include the following[S2]: inadequate residual alveolar ridge height and width to support a functional prosthesis, contour defects that compromise implant support, function, or aesthetics, and segmental alveolar bone loss. - Procedures aimed at increasing the volume of attached mucosa (free soft tissue grafts, pedicle soft tissue grafts, and surgical extension of the vestibulum) have been recommended in areas of movable mucosa. 75,77,102–111 [S3](Esposito, Hirsch, Lekholm, Thomsen, 1999) There wasIt has also been also stated that cancellous grafts are more successful because of cortical plate (â€Å"Buchman 1999 Cancelous Bone stucture.pdf,† n.d.) Results: A pPositive correlation outcome was found between age and missing teeth found in both groups A and B in the applied multiple regression analysis (SPSS) Group A analysis for correlation between the patients age and number of teeth missing outcome: Correlations Patients age Number of Teeth Patients age Pearson Correlation 1 .326** Sig. (2-tailed) .000 N 120 111 Number of Teeth Pearson Correlation .326** 1 Sig. (2-tailed) .000 N 111 111 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). Group B outcome: Correlations Patients age Number of Teeth Patients age Pearson Correlation 1 .465** Sig. (2-tailed) .004 N 41 37 Number of Teeth Pearson Correlation .465** 1 Sig. (2-tailed) .004 N 37 37 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). A pPositive correlation was found between age and bone volume harvested in Group A. However, the correlation in Group B was non significant. Group A multiple regression analysis output: Correlations Patients age Bone graft volume Patients age Pearson Correlation 1 .244** Sig. (2-tailed) .007 N 120 120 Bone graft volume Pearson Correlation .244** 1 Sig. (2-tailed) .007 N 120 120 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). Group B SPSS multiple regression analysis output: Correlations Patients age Bone graft volume Patients age Pearson Correlation 1 .203 Sig. (2-tailed) .203 N 41 41 Bone graft volume Pearson Correlation .203 1 Sig. (2-tailed) .203 N 41 41 The distribution for harvested overall bone volumes was found to be normal in both groups A and B and a significant correlation was found between clinitianclinician A and clinitianclinician B and their harvested bone volumes. Distribution analysis output. Histogram: Multiple regression analysis output for ClinitianClinician A ANOVAa Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. 1 Regression 9317266.326 1 9317266.326 31.994 .000b Residual 42518278.360 146 291221.085 Total 51835544.685 147 2 Regression 16022829.759 2 8011414.879 32.437 .000c Residual 35812714.927 145 246984.241 Total 51835544.685 147 a. Dependent Variable: Bone graft volume b. Predictors: (Constant), Number of Teeth c. Predictors: (Constant), Number of Teeth, Procedure Performer Association between a patient’s gender and performed clinicians A ands B found to be not statistically significant applying SPSS multiple regression analysis. The SPSS output for multiple regression analysis: Group Statistics Procedure Performer N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean Patients age AP 41 38.85 11.599 1.811 SG 120 39.05 11.876 1.084 Case Processing Summary Cases Valid Missing Total N Percent N Percent N Percent Procedure Performer * Patients Gender 161 100.0% 0 0.0% 161 100.0% Procedure Performer * Patients Gender Cross tabulation Patients Gender Total Male Female Procedure Performer AP Count 8 33 41 Expected Count 10.7 30.3 41.0 SG Count 34 86 120 Expected Count 31.3 88.7 120.0 Total Count 42 119 161 Expected Count 42.0 119.0 161.0 Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) Exact Sig. (2-sided) Exact Sig. (1-sided) Pearson Chi-Square 1.233a 1 .267 Continuity Correctionb .818 1 .366 Likelihood Ratio 1.286 1 .257 Fishers Exact Test .309 .184 Linear-by-Linear Association 1.226 1 .268 N of Valid Cases 161 a. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 10.70. b. Computed only for a 22 table The Aassociation between a patient’s age and clinitiansclinicians A and B was also not statistically significant (â€Å"Reszults,† n.d.). P value was more than 0.05. So the hypothesis that there is no difference between patientspatient’s age and performed clinitianclinician A and B harvested bone volumes can not be rejected the hypothesis. Nominal variables (number of teeth) were not equally distributed. So, a nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis Test was applied to test the hypothesishypostasis that there wasis no difference between the number of teeth missing and harvested bone volumes in group A and B. The hypothesis washypostasis rejected in Group A because the P value was less than 0.05. However, there was no difference in a Ggroup B (p value more than 0.05) Number of teeth and harvested bone volumes distribution for Group A Kruskal-Wallis hypothesis testing output: Ranks Number of Teeth N Mean Rank Bone graft volume One tooth 22 40.95 Two teeth 38 43.41 Three teeth 30 68.45 Four and more teeth 21 76.76 Total 111 Test Statisticsa,b Bone graft volume Chi-Square 23.851 df 3 Asymp. Sig. .000 a. Kruskal Wallis Test b. Grouping Variable: Number of Teeth SPSS output for Kruskal-Wallis Test Group B: Ranks Number of Teeth N Mean Rank Bone graft volume One tooth 11 14.59 Two teeth 11 19.45 Three teeth 11 20.27 Four and more teeth 4 26.38 Total 37 Test Statisticsa,b Bone graft volume Chi-Square 3.855 df 3 Asymp. Sig. .278 a. Kruskal Wallis Test b. Grouping Variable: Number of Teeth A bone volume’s distribution was tested by drawing a histogram to determent determine a parametric or non parametric test was needed to applyin order to test the hypothesis[S4]. The data was not equally distributed in both groups A and B. Hence, the non parametric Mann-Whitney test was applied to test the null hypothesis of if whether there is was no any difference in harvested bone volumes and the performance of theed clinicians. The P value was less than 0.05, so the null hypothesis was rejected and there is was a significant difference between cclinician A’s and clinician’s B performances. ClinitianClinician A and B harvested bone volumes distributions: Descriptive Statistics N Mean Std. Deviation Minimum Maximum Bone graft volume 161 1121.5017 622.04168 80.00 3380.00 Procedure Performer 161 1.75 .437 1 2 SPSS output Mann-Whitney Test Ranks Procedure Performer N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Bone graft volume AP 41 46.89 1922.50 SG 120 92.65 11118.50 Total 161 Test Statisticsa Bone graft volume Mann-Whitney U 1061.500 Wilcoxon W 1922.500 Z -5.427 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .000 a. Grouping Variable: Procedure Performer Conclusions: A mandibular ramus donor site can provide sufficient autologous bone volume to restore dentoalveolar defects prior to dental implantation. PThe positive correlations were found between a patient’s age and missing teeth, between clinicians A and B and their harvested bone volumes, and between harvested bone volume and a patient’s age in a group A but this was not significant in Group B., Bbetween a patient’s age and gender in both groups A and B there was no significant correlation based on the multiple regression analysis outcome SPSS. To conclude, with thean increasinge in age there were a higher number of teeth missing in both groups A and B. Although, the diameter of bone reconstruction were was greater because of a more missing teeth, the harvested volumes were greater only in the Group A harvested by cClinician A (pis was a significant difference between clinicians A and B and their harvested bone graft volumes in Group A and B (pthe person who operatesor. In aAdditionally to mandibular, ascending ramus bone can be harvested at intraoral sites and can be considered incrementally to the performed procedure, [S5]such as the contralateral ramus site, chin, and maxillary tuberosity, where when greater bone volumes are required. Moreover, the bone materials can be also added too, increase the further if the bone volume is yet not yet sufficient. And finally, based on the literature review findings, the majority of iliac crest bone graft can be successfully replaced with ascending ramus bone grafts as the studies revealed that the harvested bone grafts are not significantly greater. The outcome of implant therapy has been summarized in several recent reviews (Cochran 1996, Esposito et al. 1998, Fritz 1996, Fiorellini et al. 1998, Gotfredsen 1999, Mericske-Stern 1999, Van Steenberge et al. 1999) and evaluations are often reported in success and survival rates. The interpretation of the results, however, relies on the concept that different investigators use similar criteria for implant success and survival. Variations in study design and study period, and an improper definition of the selection of patients are factors that may further affect the interpretation of the data. First, autologous bone grafts of various types to different locations can be successfully used to improve the ability to place endosseous implants. Complications that lead to failure can be minimized with experience and adherence to the basic surgical principles of rigid fixation and tension-free primary closure of the soft tissue flaps. Second, most of the grafting failures are associated with infection or exposure of the graft to the oral cavity because of mucosal flap dehiscence. Early loading of grafts with a transitional prosthesis is also a potential cause of graft compromise or failure. Third, the successful placement of endosseous implants in autologous grafts is more predictable when they are placed secondarily after bone graft consolidation; and. fFourth, whether placed immediately with the bone graft, or secondarily, failure of individual implants does not imply failure of the bone graft. Frenuloplasty, Frenectomy, Vestibuloplasty Technique (Liposky, 1983) oOr Mandibular Anterior Ridge Extension: Modification of the Kazanjian (Al-Mahdy Al-Belasy, 1997), Vestibule and floor-of-mouth extension procedures, Soft-tissue grafts (full thickness or connective) Although COHRANE stated that autologous is not in favour, this statement needs to be taken considered very carefulycarefully because the outcome does not measure all aspects in convensionalconventional terms of success. As stated before, a simple implants survival is no longer a single preferable outcome today. Cohrane agrees that there is littleare few randomized controlled trials and for most that are conducted today are at a high risk of bias remains. Further more, bone augmentation, such as synteticsynthetic bone materials, provide a poorer outcome rather thaen animal retrieved bone materials. However, because of culture cultural or religious reasons animal products may not be accepted for a certain groups of patient and therefore autologous bone grafts are then isremain a single oaption to augment the alveolar crest defects. AeEsthetics and harmony in dental implant placement was well described by Belser et al., 1998. Buccal bone thickness has toshould be a minimum of 2mm and ideally 3mm from the implant buccal surface. 1 [S1]Not sure about this. Does it relate to the heading i.e. ‘Saddle graft is Indicated where both horizontal and vertical ridge augmentation†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ [S2]Please check I haven’t changed the meaning [S3]Are these page numbers? Should it be (Esposito, Hirsch, Lekholm, Thomsen, 1999 75,77, 102–111) [S4]Please check à ¯Ã‚ Ã…   [S5]Please check this one. I’ve read it many times and am a little confused à ¯Ã‚ Ã…