Saturday, October 5, 2019

Communication Process in the workplace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Communication Process in the workplace - Essay Example In order to effectively deal with the managerial challenges that face their firms, managers emulates effective communication that is also essential in creation of a strong culture for example in aspects dealing with ethics (Laurie, 1989). AC 1.2 The communication cycle starts from the sender. This is the person who provides the first message that is coded in nature. For the sender to effectively send his or her message, he or she must select an appropriate medium or channel of communication. Through the medium, the message is directed to the receiver who then decodes the message in order to understand it. The receiver then sends a feedback to the sender, an indication that the receiver has understood the message. The communication cycle starts once more. AC 1.3 In their efforts to enhance communication in the work place, managers are faced with various barriers that affect their communication process. One of the major barriers to communication is omission of information by the sender . In case the sender omits a certain point during the communication it may affect all stages in the communication cycle making it difficult for the receiver to understand it. The second barrier is communication overload. ... AC 1.4 Thus, there is need to adopt various strategies to overcome the potential barriers to communication. For example, to overcome the barrier incurred due to use of contradicting signs, sender must use direct simple language that easily decoded by the receiver. Additionally, senders must emulate the culture of use of face-to-face communication that is known to be direct and easily understandable by the receivers (Laurie, 1989). Similarly, senders must reinforce their words with actions especially when communicating to large audience. Section 2: Understanding the methods of communication AC 2.1 One of the major methods of written communication is email. This entails use of internet sites such as Gmail and yahoo to send messages to the receivers. For effective communication through email, the sender and the receiver must have email addresses. Similarly, they should have an access to a computer with an internet connection. Emails are used to inform the applicants for example on the r esults of the interview. It can also be used by departmental managers to inform the employees on the date and venue of a meeting. Another example of a written communication is magazines. This entails writing a message on a booklet with the intention of informing the public or the consumers about the brands available in the market as well their prices and distribution centres. A good example of a method of oral communication is face to face. In a workplace, oral communication is used during the interviewing of new employees as well as during the training of the existing workers. AC 2.2 One of the main advantages of written methods of

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