Friday, October 11, 2019

Hunting and Wildlife Conservation Go Hand in Hand Essay -- Hunting Ess

It’s a brisk November morning like any other day, but today isn’t any other day, today is the first day of firearm deer season. Shots are going off everywhere like world war three declared on deer. I’m wrapped in every hunting garment I own but winters cold embrace always finds its way in. My cheeks are rosy red and my breath was thick in the air. As I raise my shotgun and pull the trigger, my heart races and my hands shake. As I race after my prize, the sounds of leaves crunching beneath my feet are muffled by the ringing in my ears. I’m walking face to the ground like a hound on a trail and then my eyes caught it, my very first whitetail. I will never forget my first deer and the joy I felt sharing it with my family. Hunting is a passed down tradition for my family and friends. Throughout the world, millions of people participate in the spoils and adventure of the hunt. Hunting has been a pastime since the beginning of man. Hunting is one o f those things either you like or you don’t like. It’s hard to explain the joys of hunting ,because it’s something one must experience for his self. Hunting does have laws and regulations you have to abide by. Are hunting regulations benefiting the hunter or the animal? This paper will discuss some of the regulations and laws, types of game, disadvantages of regulations, the pros of regulations, poachers, and ways to preserve wildlife and there habitat. To hunt in the state of Illinois one must obtain a green card from the hunters safety course. Then they need to buy a hunting license for whatever county they hunt in. When firearm hunting by yourself you also need a Foid card, or literally, a Firearms owner identification card. You also need tags for the animal you are goin... ...ake, but what they give is endless. Without anything to regulate game it would be a wild frenzy among hunters, but with regulation hunters try to enhance their wildlife and habitat, they use precision, skill, and try do whatever they can to better their chances or fix their mistakes every year. Without regulations and laws it’s just killing, but with them it’s a fine art that holds new challenges around every turn. Works Cited 1. 2. 3. The hunter in conservation by The Council for wildlife Conservation and education. inc 4. The Duck hunters book by Lamar Underwood & Tom Hennessey 5. Field and Stream magazine November 2013 6. Treasury of Big Game Animals by Erwin A. Bauer 7. Advanced Whitetail Hunting by Ron Spomer & Gary Clancy 8. The Art and Science of patterning Whitetails by Dr. James C. Kroll and Gordon Whittington

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